Chapter 9

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While the wind flows through her hair, Reina looks at her reflection in the mirror.

The mirror is old, with a gold frame and dragons engraved on it. The whole Keep seem to have dragons everywhere.

Reina stands before the mirror, the elaborate dress falling to her toes. It is white and elegant, with delicate embroidery along every inch of the fabric, a rose on its chest and dragons along its sleeves.

She is almost finished dressing, her fingers adjusting the laces.

Her hair is arranged in a neat bun, the bright red colour seem to be more intense today.

She puts her big golden earrings and a pearl chain, chosen by her mother-in-law.

Reina sighs as she looks once more at her reflection. A tear runs down her cheek, but she quickly wipes it, fearing that someone had seen her.

She refuses to allow herself to collapse, to cry, to panic...she will not let anyone see her this vulnerable.

Her breath is steady, her movements are precise and slow. She wants the day to be perfect. It is a monumental occasion, the most crucial day of her life, yet she still cannot bring herself to feel happy or excited. All she feels is a sense of dread and trepidation.

Someone enters her chambers. Reina senses Alicent's presence and she stops moving. Her emotions are on full-swing and she's trying to hide them. She forces herself to maintain some facade of emotionlessness.

The Queen is wearing one of her signature green dresses. Her hair is down, looking incredulous as always.

Alicent's approach forces Reina to snap out of her thoughts and focus on what is happening in front of her. She faces Alicent, and the Queen can immediately sense that Reina is trying so hard to hide her feelings, but she can see right through Reina.

The woman walks over to the young girl. She takes a deep breath and takes her hands. They both hold eye contact and Alicent speaks softly, trying to be as gentle as possible.

"It's okay to be nervous, Reina," she looks at her dress.

"You look beautiful. And when the ceremony starts and you walk up the steps and look into his eyes, you will feel better. Everything will be alright," she adds with a soft smile.

Alicent feels for Reina, who is trying so hard to hide her fears. She knows this day is a big one, not just for the realm or the Targaryen family, but to Reina's life too.

She nods at her words, not really believing them. Will everything be alright? Will she feel better when she will look in his violet eyes, full of emotions?

"I once was in your situation, Reina." Alicent speaks, looking at her hands. The memories from her wedding seem to haunt her to this day.

"I was scared, terrified. Just like you are now. As you already know, it wasn't a marriage I wanted, it was forced upon me. In the end, everything worked out. It gave me four beautiful children and in time I have grown to care about my husband." she continues with her story.

Reina is slightly taken aback by her words. It is not a secret that Alicent was forced into her marriage, but it is still a surprising reminder of how they both were in similar situations. It provides a moment of comfort in a sea of uncertainty.

"Are you ready?" The Queen asks, letting go of her hands.

Reina lets out a deep breath and nods her head. She smiles softly and tries to look relaxed and at peace, when in reality her heart is pounding out of her chest. She forces herself to put on a brave face, a facade, as she tries to remain calm and collected.

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