Chapter 39

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Reina screams loud as a midwife presses a wet cloth on her forehead. The pain is unbearable, too much for her to take.

Alicent wanted to help her, to be by her side, but the Queen snapped at her. Sending her away.

She only allowed Helaena to stay with her, along with the maester and midwives.

Not even Aegon...the way he lifted his sword into the air when people applauded him for usurping his sister's throne left a very bad taste on her tongue.

The King was broken when his sister told him that his wife, his beloved Reina, does not want him to be with her while she gives birth to their baby.

His heart broke. Piece by piece, falling along with his cursed crown. He slammed the door of their chambers and threw the object at the wall, wanting to destroy it, to make it disappear.

He sobbed while clutching her dress, his favourite dress of hers.

In that moment, Aegon realised that there is a chance that he might have lost her. For good. Forever.

He kissed his ring and continued crying while listening to her screams coming from the other room.


Reina had been in the same position for seven hours. The baby does not come, nothing happened. She begins to get anxious, clutching her sister's hand and trying to breath normally and not let the thoughts of her dying fill her mind.

"Reina, please." Helaena pleads, holding back tears.

"Will I die?" the redhead sobs, looking straight into her violet eyes.

The Targaryen Princess shakes her head, "No, no. Do not say that. Aelon needs you, Aegon needs you-"

"Do not say his name-" Reina screams again.

She does not want to think about him in that moment, she does not want to think about her leaving the world, leaving him along with it. Their love becoming just a faint memory, after she will be buried.

"You will not die!" Helaena shouts at her, "You are strong, I know you can do it-" her voice cracks, covering her mouth to stop the sobs from coming.


The maester knocks on the King's door.

Aegon raises up from the bed, clutching her pillow in his arms.

"Come in." his voice is weak.

When he sees the old man stepping in, he becomes alert, "Is it over? Do I have a daughter?" a smile grows on his face as he already imagines his baby girl sleeping peacefully in his arms.

The other man shakes his head, looking down with sorrowful eyes.

"Is it a boy?" Aegon asks, still smiling.

"The Queen has a hard time, we do not know how to save her nor the child."

His smile fades away, he shakes his head, "No, no, no...You have to- You have to save her!" he exclaims.

"We tried, I fear only a miracle will save her." the maester tells him.

Aegon's heart breaks again, not only that she hates him now, but he will also lose her and his child. He cannot let her die, he will not let her die.

"Take me to her."


Helaena leans against the headboard, holding Reina's body close as she tries to push the baby out of her body.

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