Chapter 11

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The moment that terrified Reina the most has arrived. The bedding ceremony always scared her, not the pain that she will feel, but the thought that people will watch it made her tremble in fear.

Although Aegon had spent the last few minutes trying to calm her down, paining him to see her in such a fragile state, she cannot bring herself to not think about it.

"I promise you, nothing will happen to you. You will not feel a single pain and everything will be over very quickly. You only have to be strong through this moment and be brave for me, if not for yourself." he speaks with a gentle voice.

"May you undress, my lady. I need to check you starts." an old maester approaches Reina and rubs her arm. In the room, Alicent, Otto and Marton Tyrell had been chose to witness the act.

Her body flinches involuntarily at his touch. She understands the reason for his actions, but she cannot help but feel uncomfortable with him touching her. She gulps and nods her head.

The young girl lays on the mattress and flinches when the maester spreads her legs, looking down at her most private part, parting her folds with his fingers to inspect her.

Her breaths become shallow and she struggles to keep herself calm and still. She tries to block out her mind from the maester’s examination, knowing that all eyes are watching her. She tries to imagine herself somewhere else. She is not lying on this bed, surrounded by people, no, she is somewhere else, somewhere safe and away from this mess. Somewhere with her mother.

The old man walks away from her, letting Alicent draw the curtains. The presence of another woman makes Reina feel a more comfortable, relieved even.

Aegon gets on the bed as well, sightly on top of her.

Her heart skips a beat as she feels his body press onto hers. She feels nervous as she waits for what is to come next and her breathing starts to intensify once more.

He brushes a strand of her red hair from her forehead before kissing it gently, whispering into her ear: "Trust me."

The moment his lips make contact with her skin she freezes, her heart stopping for a second. This is everything that she had been nervous and afraid of, this is the moment when she would lose her virtue and become a woman.

Aegon slowly kisses her neck and spreads her legs, getting in between them.

She shivers uncontrollably as she feels him doing this. She tries to keep her body as still as possible, but her muscles are trembling and it is very obvious that she is struggling to stay calm and relax.

He thrusts into her, making her gasp in pain. In an instant her entire body reacts, her muscles tensing up and she shivers from the unexpected and unbearable pain. It was nothing like the maester had described and she found herself wishing he would stop. She tries to bite her lip to prevent herself from breaking down in tears.

Aegon notices her reactions and it makes his heart ache. He slowly pulls back and looks down at her.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry." he whispers and puts his head in the crock of her neck, kissing it, hoping it would made her feel better.

Her body starts to relax when he does this and he notices this change in her reaction. It gives him confidence that he may be able to make her feel more comfortable. He gently strokes her hair and kisses the top of her neck, hoping that this will help alleviate some of her tension.

"It’s okay." he whispers softly, "We will take it slow."

She nods her head repeatedly, trying to ignore the pain.

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