Chapter 14

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The next day, the Queen invited the whole family to have lunch in the gardens.

Reina was walking with Helaena, as usual, her pink dress swaying with each step she took on the cobbled path.

"This butterfly is the most beautiful one I've ever seen." the silver haired girl said, looking at the little creature that rested on her finger.

Reina looked at it and just nodded, lost in her own thoughts.

Last night, when she returned to their chambers, she didn't talk much with Aegon. She still felt guilty about how she made him feel.

Although he wanted to hear her voice, he didn't push her. He simply hugged her as he tried to fall asleep, a gesture the girl had grown to like.

She liked the idea of being held while sleeping. She felt secure in his arms, feeling like nothing can harm her while he was by her side.

"Reina?" Helaena touched her shoulder multiple times, trying to gain the girl's attention.

She turns her head towards her, quietly apologising for not paying attention to her words.

"My mother wants me to marry Aemond." the girl said, looking at the ground, her happy demeanour changing quickly.

"You do not want to?" Reina asks, not really surprised by the possible betrothal between siblings, knowing about Targaryens customs.

"It is not something I expected to happen. Not this early, to be honest." Helaena admits, fidgeting with her fingers.

"I understand you. But I am sure Aemond will treat you right." the redhead smiled, trying to reassure her sister-in-law.

"I suppose. "

They continued walking until they reached the table that was prepared for them. Reins sits down next to Aegon, as always, while Helaena sits next to her mother.


As they ate in silence, Aegon threw his wife a few glances, admiring the way the wind was moving through her bright red hair.

He always loved her scarlet locks. It always reminded him of fire. The way it brightened every room she stepped in made him want to look at it and touch it every chance he got.

When she got up from the table, he fought the urge to follow her, wherever she was heading to.

Aegon stares at her as she begins to walk. He is torn between his desire to stay seated and his desire to follow her and be near her.

Eventually, the latter wins him over and he rises to his feet. He starts to follow her, keeping a discreet distance.

Suddenly she stops and he stops as well. His body relaxes, and he realizes that she has heard him following her.

She turns around and gasps when he sees him standing still.

He remains quiet as she turns around and he watches her face. He remains still, his eyes glued to her as he waits for her to speak.

"Aegon..." she breathes out. "You scared me."

He remains frozen for a moment and her words make him recall just how scary it must have looked from her perspective to suddenly see him standing by her. He opens his mouth to speak but no words come out, and so he breaks eye contact with her and averts his gaze.

She sits down on a wooden bench, near some roses.

Aegon sits down next to her on the wooden bench and looks at the flowers for a moment before he looks at her. He says nothing but simply looks at her, searching her eyes.

his rose || aegon ii targaryen حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن