Chapter #48 Ruthless mafia boss

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When I get picked up from boarding school, when I get home, there's pan dulce decorative Papel picado always make me feel at home. also, I always will be Mexican Italian nothing will ever change who I am. "Hey, I'm cool, Okay? You wanna be your bi little self you can, be li'l selves without any judgement!" he pulls me in to hug me, I know he's trying to be supportive dad to celebrate with and Just tells us were valid. but I feel like he always know it was coming I literally at a boarding school always around women so its natural to think about it. but I have never had a girlfriend only a boyfriend but that's it. "Sure, What about society dad?" He gives a supportive dad look. "Mija, who cares what society thinks I shouldn't love my kids because of that, then they're wrong. because all of us were made different, some of us like boys some girls. its just what you feel towards attraction. I know I have always been on trips haven't given time to be with you Mija and I'm sorry. "You're being weird, Papa......" Delilah mumbles." and I never thought how proud he be I just wanted my daddy ever since I was young to play with me read me stories talk about his life before the riches in the farms. when he got his degree in business how did he know he wanted to do that for the rest of his life. "Mija, I've been doing some reflection on how me and mom can be there more for you as a support system. 

matter of whatever motives I have, everything strange thing I had done. the group would and gossip about it. If I met the friend group I had today instead years back, I don't think we would have connected like we did maybe in a different universe we were the best of friends. Besides our mutual love for TV Shows & makeup. We don't have much in common. while they had no business of hearing my personal stuff. But we just grew apart I evolved as an individual they were supposed change at their own pace. I had to block both numbers and stuff stop following their digital art fanbase. Luckily, I didn't wanna lose my family is one thing, and it sucked. it still sucks. But I won't lose my fur baby. just for that cause she's my best friend. 

So I take everything back. I don't feel any sympathy for any of these individuals, or anyone who attends that boarding school. I'm doing fine by me and myself and even though had to switch years back. I jumped to eat my lunch I am a lentils girl, I like to add veggies.  "Hello!" I put my hand over my heart you scared me I realize it was one of my best friends. She was like you're definitely like a social butterfly, Delilah. "We should go watch movies at your house this weekend!" I came to talk to you." She grins. I give her a kiss cause thats a custom to do in a European country. I smack her hand away from her garlic bread, girl gotta get some Italian food.

"Yeah." So my loyal guy friend Derek smiles and sits across from where I am sitting."So, Hey girl can I sit with you guys!" I take my time eating my food before I answer. "Yup."  He raises and eyebrow but doesn't notice. For once, though I wanna talk about it how are you coping with the Gambino boys betrayal. I want to scream about. the pain they caused my whole family can't believe I was ever in love with one of the Gambino Brothers just because brainiacs doesn't mean my sister deserved that. 

"Right. girl I know from the back of my hand I know you will be mad at the people who get in your way. " He looks like he's not trying to smile even though he wants to so bad, and I hate it. I'm not in the mood to hear the gossip and drama pick a different person to till your trauma to but don't do this to me please Derek." 

"But please D, Just say the word and I'll tell you anything you wanna know." he replies

I hope you like this Chapter!!!!!!


Mafia YA stories 

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