Chapter #19 The Mafia kidnapping

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The sinful group of mafia kidnapped this not so innocent person, who is apart the Italian mafia it was Marco Castello, at a young age the innocent little boy was not so innocent as he seemed he had seen it all his 18 years on this planet. but he mean't business and order he wasn't the type who ever betray his group. he actually knew his way around the group and was introduced to the dark World of business his dad dedicated years of to, but ever since has stayed loyal to the boss. and her father feels obligated to hide that part of her world. His innocence and secret keeping this big secret, and his dad hide him away with daddy's money what a ruthless style. 

Delilah Gonzales finds peace with knowing that at being at one of the most profound academies in the world only money can buy in Italy, where she has sword fighting lessons and becomes one with the wind. She is the big piece that he was missing all these years of his life, thats what is so precious. Not only her does that make her girlfriend material also wife material. they are like Wind and fire. Not only to her family, Stefano Gambino, her secret admirer he knows how to speak Spanish, French, English, Russian. 

Stefano is one of the most dangerous but powerful of the mafia so if you mess his half brother Marco. You're in big trouble as the boss of him, he relies heavily on him for and trusts him deeply. To improve the strength of Gambino's mafia, he and the Riina family live together in a grand estate overlooking city of Rome Italy, resulting in their relationship growing and trust between the two brothers. 

however this trust is soon broken once Stefano finds a deep and sinful towards his secret lover. that he hid because he knew he was destined to be with someone who had pure Italian blood towards, Delilah Gonzales. 

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