Chapter # 29 you have to choose between love and family business

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Delilah's POV: 

"I'm falling in love with you, Okay? And I know you have to take the family business over, but at some point, why not choose love."

Stefano's  POV: "This? Us? it's forbidden can't happen. especially they can betray me especially if they found out I betrayed my brother for falling for you?" 

"I'm a very dangerous man as I said I was, It can get me killed you don't know how much power I have." 

Delilah's POV: "I'm not afraid of the consequences of our forbidden love, who cares let's run away together."

Delilah's POV: "Why are you telling me this now?"

Stefano POV: Because you're about to find out one of my biggest secrets, why I pushed you away for so long. I just want to warn you if they come after you my love." 

Delilah's POV: Were you ever going to tell me?"

Stefano's POV: "I didn't want you to hate me." 

Delilah's POV: "You lied to me. Everything you told me was a lie!"

Stefano's POV "Not everything. I promise."

Delilah's POV: "Ask me to run away with you, and I will. Just say the word, and I will leave all of this behind."

Delilah's POV: "And, what? Am I supposed to pretend like none of this ever happened?"

 Stefano's POV: "What are you doing here? I thought you hated me."

Stefano's POV: "This would be so much easier if I did. But I can't."

Delilah's POV: "I wish things could be different."

Stefano's POV: "They could be." 

Delilah starts to fail one of her classes at her elite boarding school, and it stresses her out beyond belief. They turn to the only intellectual stimulating enough to tutor them: Stefano, who takes pleasure in having an academic control over Delilah. A year older than her who is now in college. he already knows the basic despite, a rich kid best believe he was smart. 

Delilah and Him get in a project together and stay hours spending time together. she was very busy with the mafia group. after to school to work on it. Delilah isn't pulling their weight and Stefano gets very upset with his student. then to discover she is tired, overworked, busy too work harder any. Stefano takes it upon himself to take care of his girl for the sake of the project. 

Delilah and Stefano haven't seen each other a couple of months since school, where they parted then they met a the mafia party. Ways in mutual hate. They reunite as fellow ex students, both Want to be better than the other. (Delilah receives the award with grace) only to have to see her ex who she tried to forget. because he had chosen family business over love because he didn't have the time. 

Delilah and Stefano keep competing against each other in competition. As they both hate each other. they get further in competition/ to show they mutually hate each other. As hate grows love grows in the end. because Delilah wants to win more than ever, and wow Delilah looks gorgeous when they're happy. 

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