chapter #9

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Today marks 3 years ago since I joined the mafia since I was thrown out to live with my grandparents. because they were still grieving their daughter's death.  This also has been 3 years since my special person in this world left this world, my sweet grandmother, so I call her Ama. Let me explain my story to you.  My name is Luna and I am seventeen years old.... kidding not yet anyone, in two months at least. I have brown eyes and blond long hair. You can say I'm just there the second option. to everyone people want help but when I need it people always abandoned me. I like to see the beauty of the world. I still remain happy for my dog Luz. she what keeps me going in life. even though it bites you this world is cruel. I know English Spanish, Chinese which my grandparents were rich socialites. my best friends are Lucas, Isabel they taught me because as being in the mafia. you have to learn also got taught before they died. My parents are very much alive, they just don't seem enough to care yeah yeah I know what you're thinking.  How come my only family is my friends you should ask yourself that question. Well, my parents were hippies. when they find out they were expecting a baby they were teenagers in high School.  they wanted to abort me my mom is 32 and my dad is 34 today. they haven't gone and visited me today. My sweet abuelita told my "parents" that if they wanted to keep living . in her roof they would let her raise her. they're basically not even present. missed my birthdays in the past. but I felt so lonely after my grandmother's death because she was like a mother to me. always would give toys. and I never was unloved by her and that saids a lot. but I had to earn my computer, phone, by working hard and getting a job. even though we were rich they still made you work hard for your things. so I didn't end up being a rich spoiled brat. Luna and Guadalupe were very close but Luna was never really expressive towards her grandma. After they died, Luna goes through Guadalupe's stuff and finds a box of trinkets. The box is full of pictures of Luna and Guadalupe, momentoes that Guadalupe gave Luna , and other things from their relationship. After Guadalupe's death, everyone is gathered together, shocked with grief. Luna  joins the room, chattering happily about something Guadalupe did earlier, unsure why everyone else looks so upset. When  was alive, A and B had casual rituals that they would follow without a fault; A would bring B coffee in the morning and leave it on their bedside table, B would make A a sandwich at lunchtime, A would drop a towel into B's room at 6 because they know that B always showers at 6:30, and so on. After B dies, A can't help but unconsciously keep doing the rituals. After B dies, A has to tell B's much younger sibling. Unsure how to gently break the news to a kid who doesn't know much about death, A paints a fanciful image of the afterlife. Everyone knows that B was writing a novel before they passed. A finds the unfinished story, in the process discovering hundreds of ideas and short stories by B (some of them not-so-subtly about A).(Building off of 5) A takes it upons themselves to finish B's story. They pour over their notes, go to B's favourite brainstorming places, and try to figure out how B would end their novel.

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