Chapter #59 Bound to the mafia

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I've been through hell and back and came out a bad bitch. I don't remember a single moment the world should me any kindness or love towards me. Also, a lot to deal with being a kid who hasn't experienced the world fully yet. I couldn't get any sleep I was woken up in the middle of the night.
"I'm serious get up now, you have important events to attend to." my publicist replied," The Famous Mafia Don. Colosimo was my mentor surprisingly he taught the best of the best and turned me into an assassin well I mean at least I learned not how to get screwed when it came to fighting. they taught me fencing lessons from my youth but he was my favorite person to be around. He had my back in everything but when he died since he didn't have kids left he left me his fortune which turned me into an heiress. He was a big friend of daddy's I guess we will never know how their friendship was back in the day.

In the place that taught, trained and completely destroyed the innocence the kids had left in them. I made a lot of friends and enemies of course had to fight them all for a price they turn into their competition. In the weeks after I benefited from it, I learned how to survive. Make them into my enemies because not all are your friends. It's been years since then I haven't seen my family in Mexico I don't even know about them. Its been a while since I was little if they ended up getting killed, because that's the price you pay. The other bosses had sent out threats to my family saying if they opened their mouths they would send their men. Ever since haven't heard anything wish I did.


Delilah "The Leopard" LaRosa, a 17-year-old high school student, sat in the dimly lit backroom of the family's clinic center, her piercing green eyes fixed on the group of rough-around-the-edges men before her. Her father, the late Don LaRosa, had always said, "A true leader is made, not born." And Delilah was determined to prove it.

"Alright, listen up, boys," she began, her voice firm but measured. "Today's lesson: loyalty and respect. You earn it, you keep it. You lose it, you pay the price."

The men nodded, some with a hint of amusement, others with a glimmer of curiosity. They had all heard whispers about the young boss-in-training, but few had seen her in action.

Delilah continued, "Respect is not just about fear; it's about trust. And loyalty is not just about following orders; it's about having each other's backs. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us."

She pulled out a small notebook and flipped through the pages, her eyes scanning the notes. "Now, let's discuss strategy. Who can tell me the best way to handle a rival family's encroachment on our territory?"

The men looked at each other, then back at Lena, waiting for someone to speak up. Finally, a burly man named Vinnie raised his hand. "Uh, boss, I think we should...ah...negotiate?"

Delilah," expression turned icy. "Negotiate? You think the Rossi family cares about negotiating? They want our territory, our business, and our respect. We need to show them we won't back down."

She paced around the room, her eyes locked on Vinnie. "You need to think like a LaRosa, not a coward. What would you do if someone threatened your family?"

Vinnie shifted uncomfortably, but Lena's glare kept him in place. "I...I'd fight back, boss."

Delilah nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Exactly. And that's what we'll do. We'll fight back, with every weapon at our disposal. And we'll come out on top, because we're the LaRosas."

The men nodded, some with a newfound respect for the young boss-in-training. Lena's father had always said she had a natural talent for leadership, and now they were starting to see it for themselves.

As the meeting adjourned, Delilah's " phone buzzed with an incoming text from an unknown number: "You're getting a reputation, little Leopard. Be careful who you trust."

Delilah's  eyes narrowed. She knew the game was far from over. But she was ready to play.

Hope you have enjoyed my story!!!!!

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