Chapter #44 Dancing with the devil in horns

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Delilah's POV;

I plan out my ex lovers death perfectly looking for an entrance of his mansion. it's very big he must get lonely living around here. I turn to the corner he is I stay quiet as I enter.

The guy I was sent to the kill, having some conversation with some crackhead in the streets.

Making sure I have it all planned out ready I make my presence known to them." Well if it isn't the Gambino brothers."

"He turns around and smirk with an evil laugh he was just wearing isn't present anymore."

"Really you aren't capable of killing any men you're so innocent for that Delilah!" he says. "Oh Well I warned you the type of men I was capable of being not my fault you were naive!" That explains why my men told me you would take a while to get here" He said as an evil smirk returned.

Not going to lie I kinda fell for his manipulation games low-key hurt he thought I was naive. I'm 17 I am pretty as hell going on 18 I didn't know I would resemble a child.

He started walking towards me and I return the same evil smirk and laugh knowing his life expectancy death date is coming soon.

His drug exportation partner he was talking to the crackhead walked away before not agreeing to help him out in the business suggested he may be my new partner instead.

Flashbacks return I started to realize his true colors because advice I was told by my parents.

You gotta play the chess game they wanna play with you back. Don't forget that mija.

I reached behind me with my gun, I kept it hidden from him I wanted him to scream feel the pain I felt when his father caused my sibling to die. When he was in front of me I said, "Awe c'mon we had good times we were a power couple." Well those times stay stuck in the past." You needed protection from me how are you going to do it without me." he said,

The look on his face was priceless. before he could say anything I hid my gun in my hand. He fell to the ground and started numbling things and he honestly sounded dumb. I had to interrogate his men in order to find out who his father truly was. but I couldn't help but laugh they were probably laughing when finding out the news of my sibling.

Gun shots fire blood starts to go on the ground.

"You're going to hell, and no one will save you" He says.

"Look around Gambino, no one cares.' you should've thought about betraying me before not letting me know who your father truly was" I say. I kneel next to his face and whisper" should've thought about fucking my family over and those innocent kids paying the price. Don't forget that. y la Reina says adios puto, espero que te pudras en el infierno donde perteneces." (Bye Asshole, I hope you Rot in the hell enjoy the trip the devil was once an angel.")

When he heard my families last name he laughed. Then he heard the name of my sibling and his eyes went big and he started begging for mercy. I hate when people do that makes them look pathetic.

Deciding I've heard enough I blow him a kiss and slice his finger off to finger. Nearly decapitating him I decide that's good enough.

Before I leave I carved a question on his ear so everyone can get start to get suspicious.

I get into my car play paint the town red. Gosh love bringing justice to kids, I just love myself.

Thanks for reading this chapter!

"The Shadows of La cosa pasado"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon