Chapter #31 solving the crime

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Narrator POV: You have been only three years, solving the cases. You're another boarding school student but your identity is unknown. and you have your partner which is your bestie, do you have any clue on what can happen next. There's a lot of investigation that has to be done. a lot of mysteries to uncover. You start an investigation case by doing research on the students at the boarding school. We each take a DNA Sample from each of the students' saliva and test it at a private science lab. My forensic father works when they cut open the bodies. And we got to take a peak of the corpses so we can be prepared to get the lab results back. We can look at the clues and Riddles. It said it was toxic chemicals and third degree burns so they definitely might've used fire and a chemical I use in chem class. That causes third degree burns.

And they might've poisoned them in the process. The two suspects said they had no involvement within the two murders. And said that the two girls were crazy. Which is what a psychopath with a narcissistic disorder is. And then started talking about their favorite movie to watch which was "Nightmare at Precinct 84".

Lena POV: That's so funny that you say that because we also like scary Christmas movies. And what is your Favorite pet? Color? Artist? Cmon it's 2023!!!!! How about a date to the movies and then we can start off from their boy..... I'm just wondering who you are behind that mask and personality. You're sooo... interesting to talk to but mysterious at the same time.

Killer POV: it's been one year since the killing of my girl best friend lying in the pool of blood, dead. One year I had to save her life even though there was no life in them lifeless body eternity had it covered. And death knew it was time to let them rest in peace. One year since I have been hunting this person, it's the same person that Murdered lucas lover Leticia. My Name is Alejandro Diaz, and I for the first time in my life, will continue on my killing spree. "Hey, you never showed me your basement!" "Oh, yeah, I'm remodeling, and it's always a mess. Practically a safety hazard, really." "Do you have blood on your clothes?" "Oh, this? Yeah, I saw a kid with a scraped knee on the way over, and I had to stop and help them." "Have you heard about the new serial killer on the news?" "Yeah... They've given him an awful nickname." "I want to kill him.""...""Kidding.""Right. I knew that. You just seemed a little... Intense." "Hey, can I put my stuff in the trunk of your car?" "Actually, it is completely full of groceries. It can't hold anything else.""Hey, sorry I had to bail the other night. Another body dropped."

"No worries! Rematch some other time?" "You are literally the most understanding friend ever.""Can you carve the turkey? You're just... scary good at it." "No problem! I've done that a lot. On other turkeys, I mean.""We need to talk.""About what?" "Your hobby.""Pottery?""I know, okay? I've always known. You're a terrible liar.""Why haven't you said anything sooner?""I have my reasons.""And why are you telling me now?""Because I need a favor. I need you to kill someone for me."

A murder mystery, without a murderer. The victim just choked on a poisonous drink, but nobody believes it was an accident because of the victim's importance. they were acquaintances it was suddenly a mystery. they had mean't but he had been stalking her which was a crime illegal. but you know the law system wasn't really going to solve or do anything about it. since their always in favor of the male more than the women. Crimes always happen to Women but no one talks about that. he had sent her letters and roses, death threats. threatened a teenage girl on multiple occasions. they wouldn't do anything she was a kid. but then for the audience they showed a different side of themselves. A murder mystery where every character believes themselves to be responsible for the death, and tries their best to cover it up.

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