Chapter #12 fallen angel past lives

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 "You're far from home aren't you, angel?"  "You're a demon, I'm an angel. This was never going to work out." "I don't fall in love with demons." "Seem to recall you being in love with one a couple hundred years ago." "That was a long time ago. And I'm over you." "Are you?" "Hard to believe you're an angel when you kiss like that." "Shut up."  "The angel broke the rules and for that they'll die." "They didn't break the rules, I did. You should kill me in their place." "Am I dead?" "Yep. This is Hell." "Fuck." "Yeah, it's gonna suck." "Any way I can get into Heaven?" "Yeah...but you wont like it." "You need to let me leave. The other angels will be looking for me." "And they can have you back. For a price." "You may be a demon but I know there's still good in your heart-" "Save it. There's nothing good left in me."  "I've never seen a demon's body this close before." "You can see more of me if you say please." "No, no, no, you can't send me to hell, you can't send me there!" "I'm sorry angel, there's nothing I can do." "I'll do whatever you say! Whatever you want, just don't send me there, please!" "It's already been done." "New day as a demon?" "Yeah." "Well, if you ever feel like dying purgatory's right over there." "Thanks." "And if you decide to live the cafeteria is that way. Today's taco day." "Tacos...sound nice right now. Luca and Leticia are angels who love each other but when Luca breaks a rule they blame Leticia  for their crime and Leticia  is sent to Hell. Heaven forgets to clip Lucas's wings so Leticia  gains a lot of attention being the only one who can fly in all of Hell. With their wings still there the Devil, Person Luca, takes an interest in them. Leticia is expected to be treated cruelly but finds Hell less judgmental than Heaven. Luca and Leticia  spend more time together and soon everyone realizes is in love with Person B. Luca offers to speak to the higher ups in Heaven and tells Leticia f they want to go back they can make them trade places with Person . B tells them they don't want to leave, that they'd like to stay. Person C offers B revenge against A and B asks if saying yes means C's corrupted them. The two share a kiss and manage to put A in their own personal. 2) A is a demon born in Hell who's upset they never got a chance to prove they were good. Unhappy with their life and unable to fit in due to their good nature they flee to Earth where they meet an angel, Person B. Person B pulls a knife on them asking why A's following them but A explains they've never met an angel before. Annoyed by A, Person B allows A to follow them. A copies B's good deeds. Despite finding A annoying B becomes friends with them and the two get along after a while. When Heaven and Hell find out they're spending time together they're ripped away from each other. Unable to go without the other the two escape and find their own paradise where no one can find them. They decide to travel and it's up to the writer if they're caught or find a safe haven. 3) A is a human who accidentally sees their guardian angel, Person B. Enjoying the first bit of communication with humans they've ever had Person B admits they're not even old like the other angels and that they're technically the same age. The two get along and tell each other more about their worlds. B knows they've got to wipe A's mind, but decides it can wait since they're having fun. The two get attached to each other which starts to ruin A's life plan Heaven has for them where they fall in love with Person C. A and C don't meet at the right time because of B and Heaven finds out. B promises to fix it but each time they try they keep messing up. A ends up confessing their feeling for them and B is happy but confesses they can't be together because of the plan. A tells B they don't want C and things begin to get more complicated when things in the world begin to go wrong and storms, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions begin to happen. B tells them they have to wipe A's memory so the world can be safe again and A begs them not to. Tearfully B wipes their memory and things return to normal. 4) A is a lonely human who keeps dreaming of someone they've never met before. When the person in the dream gives them their name they say it in the real world three times trying to jog their memory when an angel, Person B, appears who looks at them in disbelief. They recognize B from their dream and begin to explain who they are. B tries to avoid them and wipes their memory but A keeps saying their name in their dream and waking up again and again. Eventually A starts to remember more than a name and realizes they were in a relationship with B. Upset B made them forget they confront them about it and the memory wipes stop working. They go to Heaven to have their memory wiped by someone else but it doesn't work and A can't forget B. A is no longer allowed to live since they know too much and their feelings for B are too strong for A to forget. B tells them everything and A is given wings an a halo allowing them to live in B's world. The two share a kiss and their time together comes flooding back to A all at once and B apologizes for taking A's memories. A forgives B and the two are finally able to be together. 5) A and B are angels who get accused of a crime they didn't commit. As punishment they're both sent to Hell. And while A hates it and wants nothing more than to get back into Heaven, B loves it and eventually lets Hell corrupt them and turn their wings from white to black. When A is able to prove their innocence and Heaven decides to take them back A struggles to get B to want to go back home with them. (If B decides to go back is up to the writer) They were also reincarnated in higher positions in other lives. They were princess and prince and had cats. She's was a spiritual adviser in other life. 

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