Chapter #32 enemies to lovers

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When you were kidnapped by his boss, you're in fuzzy pajamas watching a sad Christmas with your bulldog who are supposedly dangerous. has showed her scars and bruises to her enemy who had kidnapped her. he is furious, and he does stalking to find out the boss of the kidnapping. goes to his house to threaten him with a gun who ever hurts his love. even though he can't be with her, he'll always have a peace of her heart. 

"Who did that to you?". enemy replied, 

after she got humiliated at school, by the mean girls she was sad because she came to the conclusion. she may have the brains in competition with the enemy, she experiences pain like any normal thing every teenager goes through. that was after the kidnapping happened as she may have the brains, be a boss but she still feels things has skin and bone. her enemy tracks her phone, without him she would have stripped like an animal without any dignity. because she's targeted by those who think they might have more power. because of their status even though they keep as being the highest family in society. 

he sees his enemy putting bows on his guard dogs and saids to his maid: "Tell her to take the crap off the huskies their trained for fighting. Right now, not dressing up pretty plus if I did let them it would make my whole operation look bad." 

"Why Mr. Gambino its adorable.", Maid replied 

"Those dogs are trained for f*cking fighting murder machines. like their ancestors the wolves their instincts are to kill. They're not huskies." 

"They don't seem to care, they love dressing up in bows , dresses feel free to express the concern  to her after all you guys would make a cute couple." 

"after all Mrs. Delilah has been through can't you be more considerate of  her wants and putting her needs besides your own sir, putting your self in her position because love is about putting your needs before your own. communicating your needs and wants. 

"I'm telling you to do cause I'm going to tell her things she doesn't need to hear." 

"Because you can't say "no" to her because you're actually starting to fall for her???" 

Later that night, she wakes up having a nightmare and wakes up crying. 

he cups her face and kisses the tears away. whispering "look at me love?"

she arrives for class, and decides to sit in the only empty seat: next to him it was a awkward experience for him because there was a lot of love in the air. 

she sits down and they start the first class Italian, then after school fencing lessons. and tutoring lessons with her private teacher. she was looking to becoming a zoo vet, and working with animals. in zoo, where she can learn how perform surgery on big kitties who need their dental checkups daily. she wanted a break and a fresh new start why work on cases from time to time. 

"Why are the mean girls staring at us." 

"It's the first time they see what I see a beautiful girl I laid my eyes on." 

A lot of people have described what it feels like to be in love with someone----the rush of excitement, the anticipation, the passion , the fun, the romance, the yearning. Love doesn't feel that way at all. 

I shall now tell you what it feels like to really love someone. 

it feels quiet. You are calm and centered. You feel a stronger sense of security---and this is the surprising part of loving someone truly, because you never felt as though your life was lacking before. Now you know when you come home at the end of the day, your beloved will come home as well. This one very special person who you have chosen and who has chosen you to give their love to their all. 

You know this beyond a shadow of a doubt. 

regardless of gender, this a person who is not expendable and cannot be easily replaced. The one you love truly is your touchstone, your witness through life. 

Loving someone liberates you from the chains of always searching: you feel a greater sense of freedom in a committed relationship. Because you're not concentrating on finding the one! especially as you hit your adult years. your expected to have a healthy love when a lot of people nowadays aren't really loyal and have internalized issues like being insecure or being in competition with their partner all the time. can't just be happy with getting an education having a dog or a plant. you can pursue your passions and interests wholeheartedly with no distractions. You feel the need to get validation from that very same person. 

but when I really wanna love someone, I want them to love me for me, all bad and good like hiking a mountain into the unknown. You'll feel your home where they are no matter where they happen to be. you love them and want what's best for them. 

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