Chapter #5 the mafia princess and king

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Hero: "I don't want this for my kids Lucas, because of you my kid died because you and your clan killed him I'm really sorry for causing her death. "

Villain: "You don't know what I have lost, don't spare pity because of you I lost the love of my life because of you."

Hero: "Your only a kid were both casualties of this conflict I lost my kid. I lost my wife she divorced me. after she found out!"

Villain: Don't compare your loses to mine! Your pathetic. You and your scenarios that everything will be fixed Justice! {Leticia} is gone and no one or anything will bring her back because of you, if if you think I'll spare pity on you you're gladly mistaken. if you think for a second I give two F's about you. You're gladly mistaken and shouldn't judge based on my appearance cause you don't know the things I'll do. if you think I'll ever forgive for what you did cause she was just a little kid like me. If you think I'll a single heck about this world without her on it, you're sadly mistaken. You and your kids including you wife will all pay for your consequences of your actions. towards the love of my life.

Leticia and Lucas were very close but Leti was never affectionate towards or open to Lucas before she died. They were never really affectionate, Lucas goes through leti's stuff before he joined the mafia. finds a box of a butterfly drawing she had stored in her closet. the box is full of pictures of Leti and Lucas, momentoes that Leti gave Lucas, and other things from their relationship.

After Leticia's death, everyone is gathered together, shocked with grief they didn't know how much she did for them. even after she died they started to appreciate her. You should have stayed more longer. I don't know why she died so young she had 3 or two years to turn 21. I'm so heartbroken from this tragedy. Lucas joins the room, chattering happily about something she did when she was alive. unsure why everyone in the room wouldn't be happy that's what Leti would've wanted. When Leticia was alive, Leticia's and Lucas had casual rituals that they would follow without a fault; Lucas would bring Leticia's coffee in the morning and leave it on their bedside table, Leticia would make Lucas a sandwich at lunchtime, Lucas would drop a towel into Leticia's room at 6 because they know that Leticia's always showers at 6:30, and so on. After Leticia dies, A can't help but unconsciously keep doing the rituals.After Leticia dies, Lucas has to tell leticia's much younger sibling. Unsure how to gently break the news to a kid who doesn't know much about death, A paints a fanciful image of the afterlife.Everyone knows that Leticia's was writing a novel before they passed. Lucas finds the unfinished story, in the process discovering hundreds of ideas and short stories by Leticia (some of them not-so-subtly about Lucas).(Building off of 5) Lucas takes it upon themselves to finish Leticia's story. They pour over their notes, go to Leticias's favourite brainstorming places, and try to figure out how Leti would end their novel.

"If I knew that those would be my last words to you, I would've said something sweeter" "You son of a bitch, you promised me we'd grow old together. You promised me!" "I don't know for sure if angels exist, but if they do, B is one of them" "Aren't you supposed to pour out some drink when someone dies, as a sign of respect?" "At this point, I'll take any excuse to get hammered""If you're still somehow here . . . can you send a sign? Anything?"

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