Chapter #8

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Hi I am Isabel arias Cervantes I was born on October 10, 2005, I am currently 18 years  of age. I have dark hair I am curvy I have got curves; it just depends on the lighting . My story is just the beginning. We celebrate Dia de los Muertos in Mexican culture. We don't really celebrate Cinco de mayo that much. The story behind my name is weird backstory. They wanted to name to name Cielo but thats my middle name. Death is what happens and there's of stopping death itself. he only has a limit but time is unlimited. thats why you gotta be with the one's you love and cherish. that day was the saddest I had lost my sister due to a car crash. it hit all of sudden the grief the loss. felt like a knife was stabbed into my heart. But then I had found out it Was another organization with lets murderer Bryan Kim. staged and planned it strategically.still not being used to them being dead and using "is" instead of "was" and realising they're dead and then breaking down again. calling their phone to pretend they're still alive by listening to their voicemail being depressed and brooding all the time isolating themselves and refusing to open up or rest or eat being in denial about their death to a high degree and pretending they're still alive ex. still counting them at the dinner table, waiting for them to come back home etc. feeling guilt, thinking they could've saved them somehow, that it's their fault that they're gone even when it's not resentment and hurt towards the person who passed for leaving them ex. refusing to acknowledge they loved them or feeling string hurt because they promised they wouldn't leave. physical changes like weight loss, sleep loss, withdrawals. being angry at everyone and staying mad at innocent people almost like they're not themselves worrying too much about other people thinking they're gonna leave too. "I hope you find that place you've been looking for."We didn't get a lot of time together in this life, but maybe the next one will go better.""Whoever thought we would know that this is our last time speaking with each other." "I didn't get to accomplish what I wanted to do, but I hope someday I'll feel less broken about it.""To whoever tries to be your sister next, may they have better luck than I did.""I know you haven't been on good terms for the past few years, but I wanted to pass on my condolences. " "Most people who should remember forget that we were friends for years before we were rivals. Can't say I blame them, we've been enemies for longer than not hating on people.""Doesn't mean that it doesn't still hurt.""It does, it hurts so damn much. Before, there was always a chance. I knew he'd never change his mind, and it's been too long for me to change mine, but there was always the chance. It's gone now. No forgiveness, no reconciliation. Just an empty casket and a funeral that I don't know if he would have wanted me to attend anymore." Imagine a family member of Sofia is killed in an accident that was somebody else's fault (Bryan Kim). At the funeral Person Isabel Cielo sees Lucas, somebody they've never met before.


 They go over to say hello and thank them for coming but barely make it through a sentence before they burst into tears. Lucas  takes care of Cielo and they end up staying in touch. They both fall in love with each other. Then Cielo finds out Bryan kim was the one responsible for the accident.  running into their arms after being away for too long !!!!  leaning into each other when laughing. casually linking arms, holding-hands, sharing hugs that lasts a teensy tiny bit longer. them watching you do ur own thing with so much admiration. "why?" "because it's you.""I'll do anything, as long as it's with you. spending more time together than usual. having your parents tease you and ship you together > teasing them and they actually blush???  getting physically close during the denial phase. IMAGINE KISSING AND FREAKING OUT SAYING, "friends... kiss. right?"getting ur breath hitched whenever they're too close. imagine lingering with ur mouth slightly parted while both of ur noses brush, eyes fluttering just wondering---where this is going.^ AND WHEN THEY SAY, "fuck it. may i kiss u?" but their voice is so low, yearning so hard.getting noticeably shy after going a lil too hard on the kissing--"it's ok, we're still friends, right?"a third person NOTICING IT AND going, "oh SO yall are the type to kiss and nOT TELL?" "WhAT NO, WE DIDNT-" "YEAH WE DIDN'T."^ but one if one of them is an idiot n they go, "HOW DID U NOTICE?" "ha, so i was correct. yall mfs-!!!"and the realising phase of how much you like themand not being able to wait until u see them. so u can confess, get it out and about.or what if? they end up ur house at 4 am in pouring rain and say, "i know we're best friends, but i want to be more. Let me be yours forever please, and not just as friends this time." AAAAAAAH. SCREAMING N FIGHTING KISSING IN THE RAIN, ITS 2 AM N UR LOVIN THEIR NAME SO IN LOVE BUT U ACT INSANEEE N THATS THE WAY U LOVE THEMMM

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