Chapter 33: Replaying the Past

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Ivy's mind continued to float on a blissful cloud as she descended the grand staircase. As if she were watching a movie, Ivy continued to replay her kiss with B. With each reiteration, she felt a new wave of euphoria overcome her. Before she may have been worried that her gleeful grin looked maniacal to those around her, but now Ivy was oblivious to the outside world. Her thoughts jumped between the feel of B's body against hers and his endlessly caring words.

How did I deny myself this for so long she playfully chastised herself.

Briefly, Ivy paused her idyllic mindset as she studied the entrance to the Princess Lounge. Due to the dimly lit interior, Ivy couldn't make out the guests within. Cautiously, she made her way closer to the doorway. Ivy couldn't scan the room without being obvious. Luckily, before Ivy sat a display of local tourist brochures. Grateful for a way to disguise her actions, Ivy plucked out the brochure for the hotel. As she stood before the display, her nose stuck in the flyer, Ivy's eyes ping-ponged between the paper and the room. Ivy may have been searching for Ashley in the lounge, but it was the brochure in her hands that wound up gaining her attention.

Her hands began to shake as she stared at the collection of photos highlighting "100 Years of Hospitality." Scattered throughout the photos were a variety of guests enjoying the multitude of activities available at the hotel. But it wasn't the activities or the hundred-year milestone that held Ivy's gaze. Instead, it was the image of the elegant dining room during Valentine's Day. Several couples were seated in the room, but it was only one couple that Ivy cared about. Although they had aged several years since the photo was taken, there was no doubt in her mind who they were.

Her mom and dad.

As small as the image was, Ivy could still make out the look on both their faces. Her father sat on the right, a fork and knife in hand, as he leaned forward in anticipation. His eyes gleaned with delight. Across from him sat Ivy's mother with a glass of wine curled in front of her lips as she hid a coy smile.

No matter how she looked at it, the photo showed the same thing: a couple happily in love.

Ivy presumed it had been taken only a couple years after she had been born, but the timing was irrelevant. The most important thing to Ivy was what happened after the photo. Outside of that frozen moment, life had continued to move on, and despite how happy her parents were back then, today things were much different.

Tentatively touching the glossy rendering of her parents with her fingertip, Ivy felt a wave of doubt penetrate her cloud of infatuation. Sensing her distress and vulnerability, Ivy's mental monster strutted into her thoughts. Wow. Look how happy they are. I bet Dad just told Mom one of his cheesy jokes. How soon after this photo happened do you think he started to lose it? A year? A month? Maybe only a week? For all we know this could have been the last photo of them ever being happy together... Her creature feigned pity as it bowed its head. But quickly that façade was wiped away when it rose, for all of its pity was replaced with a ravenous desire to cause pain. I'm sure you and B are nothing like that... And with a slimy grin, Ivy's monster slunk back into the shadows.

Ivy's eyes grew wide as she blankly stared at the brochure. Suddenly the dam holding back all of Ivy's doubts crumbled to bits, allowing the tidal wave of worry, anxiety, and regret to consume her. Adrenaline flooded Ivy's system as she felt her chest constrict more with each rapid breath. Searching for some way to escape the impending doom, Ivy quickly spun around, only to collide with a woman exiting the Princess Lounge.

"OH. MY. GOD. MY DRESS!" The woman cried.

Completely overwhelmed, Ivy stood completely mute and immobile.

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