Chapter 34: I'm A King

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Sarah woke up with a dull headache. She yawned and stretched her arms to the sides. Her hands brushed against a silky surface and a smile bloomed on her face. The softness felt good against her skin and she brushed her hand over the surface a few more times.

Then, a light bulb went off in her head and her brows furrowed immediately. Wait a minute, her bed always had cotton bedding, why did this surface feel like silk? She slowly opened her eyes and a luxurious king-sized bed with black silky bed sheets lay before her.

All the sleepiness vanished. She gasped, sprung up to a sitting position, and looked around. She was in a bedroom half the size of her entire apartment. The walls were painted grey and there was little furniture in the room. On the right, there was a partially open black curtain that exposed a French window. There was a small ash-grey couch by the window and a small stylish ottoman on the side.

 The wall beside the headboard had a sophisticated colorful painting of a mother and child. That was the only thing with a burst of color in the otherwise dull and lonely room. The two people in the picture seemed to be basking in a fairyland. It brought a nostalgic innocence of childhood.

There was a sad and lonely undertone to the painting, like that of a sudden separation. Something you can't go back to no matter how much you miss it. She couldn't help but remember the times she played with her dad. It was the only happy memory of her childhood she wasn't willing to forget no matter how much she hated him. Perhaps, like her, the owner of this room had something he couldn't bear to let go of. It seems like they share some similarities.

But that wasn't the main point. The real question should be: where was she? How did she get here? Why was she lying in a stranger's bed? She lowered her eyes and her heart almost stopped beating. She was wearing a man's shirt. How in the world did she get that? Then she had an even more terrifying question. What happened last night?

The sound of the door opening interrupted her thoughts. It was only now that she noticed the door was on the left corner of the room. She could see the intruder right in front of her when she raised her head. Half of her worries disappeared when Henry stood at the door. Even if the worst happened, at least it wasn't with a perverted old man or a stranger.

Henry leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed on his chest. He had grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt with the words 'I'M A KING' in bold white letters. He could see that she was trying hard not to look bothered but she failed miserably at it. Her forced composure amused him and he had an idea. Mischief couldn't be hidden in his eyes as he greeted, "Good morning my queen."

"Good morning." Sarah got even more uncomfortable from the way he looked at her. The doubt in her heart intensified and her heart pounded harder. Did something happen or not? She wanted to ask but she did not know how. If nothing happened, would he think she wanted something to happen if she asked? If something happened, how would she face him now?

It would be embarrassing either way. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know the truth or not. Her ears turned red the more she thought about it. there was only one way to find out. She scratched the back of her neck and gathered all the courage left in her bones. "Umm... d-did... did something happen?"

Henry raised his eyebrow. "What do you think?"

Sarah exhaled. "I wouldn't ask you if I knew."

"Relax. I don't have a sick hobby of ramming into unconscious women," he said leisurely as he straightened his body. He entered the room and stood beside the bed. "I like it consensual." He propped his hands on the bed, leaned closer to her, and whispered in her ears, "I like it even better when my women are awake."

Sarah's heart pounded so hard that she was afraid he would hear it. His warm breath fanning her ear made it hard to think. The faint musky scent and a whiff of sandalwood did not escape her sensitive nose. Oh yeah, she could listen to that voice all day and still want more.

Henry noticed her discomfort. He backed up and then sat at the edge of the bed. A soft chuckle erupted in his throat as he watched Sarah's ears and nose turn into a deeper shade of red from embarrassment. How long has it been since he saw someone get embarrassed over a little flirting? What was she thinking?

"Ahem..." she cleared her throat and pulled herself back to reality. "Why... am I... wearing your shirt?"

"You were wearing a weird dress that looked like a long scarf. You sleep so bad that I was worried you might strangle yourself by accident."

"Incredible," Sarah sighed and shook her head. Getting a review of her sleeping habits out of nowhere, a terrible one at that, wasn't part of her expectations. She ruffled her hair in attempt to hide her face because she had no comeback for that.

Henry felt like he had had enough of the teasing and stood up. "Freshen up and I'll fix something for us for breakfast. He walked towards the door and stopped just before leaving. "Oh, there are some new dresses in the dressing room for you. I didn't know your size, so I ordered several. Try out and see which one fits."

Sarah took a quick shower, changed, and tidied the room. She left it as neat as she found it. But the room felt a little empty, gloomy, and lonely. She made a mental note to get him some fragrant relaxing flowers in the future if she ever had the chance.

After breakfast, Henry offered to drive her home. She didn't have the money for a taxi anyway and it would be great to get a chance to save. He drove to her home without asking for directions even a single time. Sarah's jaw dropped when he pulled over right outside her gate.

"How did you know... Never mind." Of course, he'd know. He wouldn't be a billionaire if he didn't know a thing or two. If he could get all the information even from the most hidden business tycoons, investigating her would be a piece of cake. "I'm curious though, why didn't you bring me home last night if you already knew where I live?"

"it's not like I didn't want to." Henry glanced at her with mischief in his eyes. "You clung to me like an octopus. I had no choice."

Sarah blushed. She shouldn't have asked. Why did she sound like a frivolous young lady from the way he put it? Sarah stepped out of the car as Henry's smile widened. He enjoyed her reaction every time. He watched her disappear behind the brown gate before driving away.

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