Chapter 33: He Is Blind

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As soon as Sarah left the hotel, her strong façade collapsed. Her body leaned against the wall, and her bag fell to the ground. The tears she had held back finally flowed down her face. In barely three years, it was as if she had gone through an entire cycle of reincarnation. The man she loved left with another woman right in front of her. She had been a total fool to believe that their love was special. Those mocking and mean whispers in that room had reached her ears. It hurt.

She did not want to cry.
She did not want to cry for such a man. Her thousand days of longing were shattered in one day. She tried not to let those mean comments get to her, but in the end, she still failed. She did not want to cry, but she had to.

Tears continued to flow down her face like a broken dam. She sometimes raised her hand to wipe the moisture from her face, but in a blink of an eye, the salty tears wet her face once again. She wasn't the type to cry at every little problem but today, her body wouldn't listen to her.

Eventually, she sat on the ground without caring for her image. She bit her lip while sobbing quietly. A pair of slender straight legs stopped in front of her. She raised her head and the owner of those legs stunned her. "You, why are you here?"

The man smiled but did not respond. He squatted close to her and handed her a packet of pocket tissues. "Here, use this," his magnetic voice rang out, "I don't have a habit of carrying handkerchiefs."

Sarah smiled through the tears, accepted the tissues, and cleaned her face. "I say, why do you always see me during my most embarrassing moments?"

"Perhaps we are fated?" Henry chuckled and helped her up. "Come, I'll take you somewhere to cheer up."

Not far away was a small restaurant with tables and chairs in the open on the other side of a shimmering pond. A curved wooden bridge led to the seating area. Water lilies floated happily in the pond and made people feel like they could float too if they let go of their worries. The dim lights at strategic locations emitted a soft hue that gave the illusion of sitting under the moonlight. A cool breeze brushed over their skin as they walked, and it brought a refreshing feeling.

Henry helped her sit at a table and went to get something from the counter. He came back with a glass of wine in one hand and a sobering tea in the other. He placed the tea in front of Sarah and sat beside her with a glass of wine in his hand.

Sarah raised her head, pouted, and fixed her innocent eyes on his wine. "Can I have some?"

"You are already this drunk and you still want more?" Henry asked, amused.

She placed her arms on the table and rested her head on her arms. She stared into a distance and said in a soft melancholic voice, "I'm so sad. I want to drown my sorrows but there is not enough liquor to drink my sorrows away." She went silent for a couple of minutes and then continued, "They are still here."

Henry sat beside her in silence. He stared into a distance for a long time as well. No one knew what was on his mind. He turned his gaze onto the beautiful face on the table and exhaled. "More liquor brings more sorrows."

"That's fine too." Sarah suddenly laughed; a dry and helpless laughter that transitioned into a sob midway as warm tears left her eyes. She said in a distant small voice, "You know, I kept asking myself, what did I do wrong? Am I not pretty enough? After thinking for a long time, I still couldn't come up with an answer. Henry, can you tell me why he cheated?"

"He is a blind idiot," he said, his voice hoarse.

"Then, tell me, why Am I so obsessed with that blind idiot?" she asked, wiping away another stray tear that escaped her eyes.

He swallowed hard and the grip on his glass tightened. Her heartbreaking sobs bore deep into his heart. He looked at her and hesitated. A part of him wanted to comfort her while the other wanted him to stay away, lest he get hurt.

Eventually, he pulled her into a hug and held her in a safe embrace. He patted her back and let her cry in his arms. Her warm tears wet his shirt but he didn't seem to care. Gradually, Sarah's sobs got softer and softer before disappearing completely. His powerful heartbeat had lulled her to sleep.

He made a call and in a blink of an eye, a black SUV pulled over at the entrance. He helped the sleeping girl into the car and headed to his residence.

When they arrived, Sarah did not wake up even after he carried her into his apartment. She only mumbled a few things in her sleep and hugged his neck even tighter.

He laid her gently on the big bed, propped himself on his elbow, and gazed at the sleeping face beside him. His lips curved into a genuine smile as he clasped her hand, and held it to his chest. How refreshing to watch such a cute beauty sleep on his bed. Perhaps he should consider keeping her forever, Henry thought.

He could feel the peace and tranquility at that moment. He leaned closer and kissed her forehead before turning off the lights.

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