Chapter 30: Reunion IV

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"What a disgrace!"

"Look at her, does she think she is really that beautiful? This is a case of sparrow thinking she is a phoenix, only to realize she is still a sparrow."

"She has no shame at all. Jumping from one man to the next without batting an eyelid."

"Eh, do you think that's why Brandon dumped her? Even her father didn't want her."

All the mocking chatter reached Sarah's ears. The hand holding the packet of grape juice froze for a split second at the mention of her father. She ditched the juice, refilled her glass with red wine instead, and walked away. she couldn't bear to listen anymore otherwise she might end up believing them.

She settled at the farthest corner of the room with fewer people and silence. There was a small indoor aquarium with a variety of colorful fishes swimming around. Sarah took a sip of the fragrant wine and swirled it in her mouth as she enjoyed the taste. her eyes were glued to the fishes enjoying their life without worry.
Her mind wandered. Had she thought too highly of herself? Was she the reason why he cheated? Or, was their relationship just a sham?

Clara saw that her provocation did not receive the desired results. She decided to walk closer to her. She held her head high as she approached Sarah but tripped on someone's outreached foot. She lost her footing and tumbled forward.

"Aaah..." she let out a cry. Someone managed to catch the falling Clara but failed to balance the wine glass on her hand. The red liquid landed on Sarah without warning.


The red liquid splashed on her beautiful white dress in an embarrassing fashion.

Sarah frowned at the girl standing beside Clara. One look and she could tell that this was her doing. From the years they had been together in school, she knew how well Farida could take any situation to embarrass her. Farida saw her look and sniggered. She knew Sarah could not do anything about it even if she were caught in action.

Brandon was flustered at this unexpected turn of events and for a moment, did not know how to react. One after another, the guests crowded at the scene, buzzing with curiosity. Some people were interested in the drama and started taking out their phones to record everything, not wanting to miss out on this new development.

The atmosphere was tense. Many of them wanted to see Sarah make a fool out of herself.

Clara carefully opened her eyes, not daring to think about the mess that she created. She raised her head and Sarah was staring at her with eyes that could shred her if given an opportunity; an expression she had never seen before. She was taken aback and took a step back in fear. Sarah was usually sweet and gentle and would never shoot her such a deadly look. "Sarah..."


Before she could regain her composure, an expressionless Sarah stood up and took two steps close to Clara. With a tilt of her wrist, Sarah poured the wine in her glass on her head.

The cold liquid drenched her. The crowd let out a gasp at this spectacle. Clara was unprepared for the usually meek and defenseless Sarah to suddenly retaliate by drenching her with wine in front of all these people.

"You, how dare you!" She furiously lifted her head towards Sarah, who was looking at her frigidly. She held her hand high, intending to slap the latter. However, before her palm could land on Sarah's face, someone gripped clara's wrist.

With her body shaking from anger, Clara turned to see who had restrained her.
"Brandon...?" Brandon had stopped her. Her eyes widened in surprise and her fury simmered in his presence. She had to rein in her temper, or at least, pretend to be meek and well-behaved, lest she leave him a bad impression of her. She withdrew her hand and looked timidly at him. "Sarah, she..."

Seeing her pitiful expression, his heart softened, and let go of her hand. He glanced at Sarah and then at the weak Clara by his side and anger welled up in him. He took two steps away from the scene, silently accenting Clara's actions. Deep down he wanted Sarah to ask for his help.

Clara wasn't expecting any of this and was stunned for a while. "How dare you!" she regained her senses and a murderous glint flashed in her eyes. "Sarah, why are you targeting me?"

"Ha-ha. Are you seriously asking me that?" Sarah laughed but there was no warmth at all in that laughter. All nearby felt a chill down their spines and they instinctively stepped back. Her face darkened and a murderous aura surrounded her. She did her best to control her emotions.

Clara couldn't take it lying down. Sarah was someone she could step on any time she wanted and there was no way she was going to let her go. How dare she humiliate her in front of everyone? She had to retaliate in full force. She raised her hand to slap her but felt a strong grip on her wrist again. She raised her head to take a look and colour drained out of her face when she saw Sarah holding her wrist.

"Clara, what is your problem? I didn't even bother to settle scores with you for making a fool out of me with Brandon, but you've been pestering me the whole time. What? Do you think you are too precious that I can't bear to beat you up?"

"Sarah, what is wrong with you?" Clara screamed.

"No," Sarah pursed her lips and waved her index finger. "I should be the one asking, Clara, what the heck is wrong with you? You have been causing trouble for me ever since you came here."

"That's a lie," Clara retorted.

"Oh, you want a recap of what you've done? fine." Sarah spread out her fingers and put a finger down. "When you came in, you found me eating a tangerine and you mocked me. I ignored you and you incited people to question my loyalty." she put two fingers down and continued, "When that failed, you followed me into the bathroom and insulted me."


Sarah continued after a brief pause, "Since I didn't want any trouble, I stayed as far away as possible from you. But you wouldn't stop messing with me."

Clara glanced at the crowd, acting like a victim. "Sarah, do you have to be so calculative? Everyone, see, this is her true colour."

Sarah gripped Clara's lower jaw and tilted it to the side "What? Did you expect me to grin and bear it? Sorry, not today. That is something the old Sarah would do. This one doesn't." she released her jaw and the red finger marks appeared.

Clara clenched her fists so tight that her acrylic nails dug into her palm. Tears pooled in her eyes from Sarah's grip earlier. She opened her mouth to speak but Sarah beat her to it.

"This is not being calculative. I'm expressing how I feel. I can't just smile and pretend everything is fine. Nope. It is not fine." She poked Clara's head, "Get this into your head. I'm not insulting you. I'm giving you a reality check."

Clara couldn't hold it anymore and cursed, "You bitc—"


A resounding slap landed on Clara's face.

"Clara, I don't care what you do with your life, but stay the hell out of mine!" Sarah clicked her tongue and walked away from the scene.

"Everyone saw that it was unintentional. Geez, why do you have to be so vicious?" a busybody decided to get involved.

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