unexpected (pt. 2)

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Riley's point of view

Two days passed since the accident involving the the guys and a big truck, I immediately rushed to the hospital after getting a phone call stating that Andrew was here and I have been here since I found out.

I was told that he was alert despite being able to respond, I noticed that he was looking at me through one of his eyes after I arrived here and I carefully grabbed onto his hand while feeling a few tears running down my face.

Riley: I hope you can hear me baby, I'm here for you now.

Several more days passed and I come back after going home so I could get a few clothes for Andrew and myself before returning back to hospital, I quickly returned to his room and seen the nurse remove the neck brace away from him very carefully.

Riley: how's he doing nurse?

Nurse: he seems to be improving, the doctor asked me to remove his neck brace after the x-rays come back. Nothing appears to be broken other than his leg and arm. He's going to be just fine Mrs. Black with time.

I sat down beside him and gently took his hand in mine and felt him gently squeeze my hand while the nurse continued doing things for him. I suddenly thought of Elliot and Jared.

Riley: there were two other guys with him, do you know where they are at nurse?

Nurse: I'm sorry Mrs. Black but I'm afraid only one of them...

I waited for her to finish her sentence when I heard Jared speak up over her.

Jared: hey mama bear...

I quickly walked over to him after I seen him standing in the door way and gave him a hug.

Riley: I'm glad you're safe Jared but where's Elliot?

We walked down to the cafeteria and I found out about Elliot.

Jared: it all happened so quickly, I wasn't near the bus when it happened because of a phone call I received while Andrew and the driver were changing a tire and Elliot was inside the bus. He didn't survive the accident...

Riley: I'm so sorry Jared, I didn't realize that he... does his fiancé know that he...?

Jared: I'm sure she does, I was told that she knew but I haven't been by his house to see her yet so...

Riley: you should go see her...

Jared: yeah...

I gave him another hug before he left and I headed back to the room Andrew was in when I noticed that he was looking at me like he did before as I watched him reach his hand out for me, I gently took it and watched as he moved his mouth but heard nothing.

Riley: I'm here baby.

I seen a few tears running down his face while he looked at me.

Riley: I know baby, it scared me too but the important thing is that you are here now.

I watched as the doctor walked in and checked on him.

Doctor: good morning Mr. Black, how are you feeling?

I watched as he gently nodded his head and let go of my hand.

Riley: how come he can't talk?

Doctor: it could be a number of reasons, but there's no internal damage so his voice should come back soon. There is the matter of his broken leg though, he has suffered a torn acl along with the broken knee cap but with physical therapy and surgery on his leg he will be walking again in no time.

Riley: and his arm?

Doctor: a broken wrist, he will make a full recovery, he will be required to stay off his feet for a couple of days upon being released and I would like to see him back here twice a week for physical therapy.

I watched as the doctor left after giving him a dose of pain relief through the I.V. hose then quickly left.

Riley: get some rest baby, I will be right here when you wake up.

I heard him softly speak but his voice was strained.

Andrew: I'm glad you're here...

Riley: I will always be here for you baby, I love you. Get some rest Andrew.

I watched as he closed his eyes and fell asleep while I sat in the chair beside the bed and relaxed awhile.

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