resting up

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Riley's point of view

I woke up from the pain I felt in my foot, I quickly grabbed my phone and seen that it was three in the morning. I thought back to Axel intentionally breaking my ankle when I seen Andrew in a recliner near my bed while he slept.

I didn't want to wake him up but the pain I was feeling was keeping me awake so I decided to get the attention of a nurse after I pushed the button on the remote then seen her walking in the room as she turned on the lights and I seen Andrew slowly sitting up and looking at me.

Andrew: what's going on?

Riley: I'm hurting so bad.

Andrew: I know baby, but you will be back on your feet before you imagine.

Nurse: alright Mrs. Black, this medicine is going to make you sleep. You should get some rest as well Mr. Black.

Riley: thank you ma'am.

Andrew: I know that you're upset about what happened but I promise that you'll be walking again in no time baby bear.

I felt him gently place his hand over mine and felt him gently kiss my hand, it didn't take long for the pain medication to do its job and I found myself slowly getting sleepy.

When I woke up I seen Ryder, our parents and Nova sitting around talking with Andrew who was sitting near the bed while he held my hand.

Riley: dad...?

Alec: hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?

Riley: I can't feel my foot.

Andrew: that's strange, do you feel any pain baby bear?

Riley: just a little but it's numb other than that, almost like my foot is asleep.

Nova: I will get the doctor or someone in charge of her.

I felt my mother place her hand on my forehead as she ran it over my hair and I seen the worried expression on her face as she gently rested her hand on my forehead again.

Evrin: you're burning up baby, do you feel like you're sick?

Riley: I feel sick on my stomach but it's probably cause I haven't eaten since I got here.

I watched as Nova walked back into the room with a nurse who immediately looked at my foot.

Nurse: alright Mrs. Black, I'm going to press something against the bottom of your feet, let me know if you feel it.

I felt something touching my foot but it caused little pain, I watched as she immediately left without saying a word which made me think something was wrong with my foot.

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