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Riley's point of view

Several years passed since I last seen him, I moved back to Tennessee to help dad since my mother become ill and was forced to stay in bed, I got a job working at a bar in Nashville when I wasn't singing songs on YouTube for my fans since I was unable to go on the road with my brother and the girls.

I bought a home not far from where mom and dad lives which was walking distance from them, I often found myself wondering what life would be like if Andrew and I were still together but I would probably be doing what I was doing before the break up. I was informed that they would be in town for a concert and I had no interest in going but my coworkers baby cousin wanted me to go since I promised her that I would go to one of their shows with her which I was joking but she held me to my word after she bought backstage tickets along with a meet and greet pass.

I wasn't to fond on seeing him again but after we were escorted backstage I seen Elliot and Jared after Gabriella started talking to another member of the band.

Elliot: now this is a sight to behold, look at who decided to show up Jared.

Jared: never thought we'd see you again, how have you been?

Riley: I'm good, it's great seeing you two again. How are you guys doing?

Elliot: doing good...

Jared: we miss having you on the road with us though.

Riley: I miss hanging out with you guys but things happen for a reason so... how is he?

Elliot: he's good, we're not allowed to mention your name though but I know he misses you.

Riley: I miss him too but we can't be together anymore, I have a sick mother to help take care of.

Jared: mama Diaz is sick?

Riley: yeah, she has cancer and she's on bed rest because of it. The doctor doesn't think she'll be around much longer so I've been spending time with her before she passes away.

Elliot: sorry to hear about your mom.

Riley: thanks...

I felt Jared and Elliot give me a hug while Gabriella took a photo with Andrew when I noticed him looking at me.

Riley: it was great seeing you guys again.

Jared: take care of yourself Riley.

Riley: you too Jared...

I started walking back to where my car was parked when I heard him say my name which made me stop in my tracks and turn around to look at him.

Andrew: Riley...

I watched as he walked over to me and I felt a few tears run down my face then I felt him gently wipe my eyes.

Riley: I know you never wanted to see me again but Gabriella she...

Andrew: none of that matters, I was wrong for saying those things to you and I'm glad you're here. I miss you.

Riley: I miss you too...

Andrew: if I could go back to that they day I wouldn't have...

Riley: you had every right being upset at me that day, I betrayed your trust even though I wasn't seeing Axel behind your back you believed that I was so I...

heart and soulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon