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Riley's point of view

I was on my way to the hotel room with dinner for me and Andrew when I seen her straddling his legs with her arms around his neck while they were kissing.

Riley: I'm sorry, I should have knocked.

Andrew: baby wait...

I put the food on the table and walked out of the room as fast as I could but he still managed to catch up to me.

Andrew: Riley, please let me explain.

Riley: there's nothing to explain Drew, I am sorry for wasting your time.

Andrew: baby please, she doesn't mean anything to me.

I left the hotel and headed to drove away from here. I felt the tears stream down my face which blurred my vision and I ended up getting into a wreck after accidentally running a red light. I immediately felt blood gushing from my head after my car got wrapped around a tree that was on the side of the road.

I instantly passed out and didn't remember anything about what happened or how I got here but I seen Ryder sitting beside me while he was holding my hand.

Riley: Ryder...

Ryder: hey weirdo.

I looked over at him noticed that I had a bandage wrapped around my head and over my face.

Riley: what happened?

Ryder: you were in a bad accident. I thought you were gone Riley, the doctors and nurses were convinced you were dead when you got here. I'm glad that you're still alive.

Riley: does mom and dad know?

Ryder: yeah, I told them that I would keep them updated since they couldn't make it.

Riley: my leg and face hurts.

He was about to say something when a nurse walked into the room.

Nurse: how are you feeling Ms. Diaz?

Riley: I'm in pain.

Nurse: where at?

Riley: my leg and face.

Nurse: I can give you something for pain but it will make you sleep, you are beat up pretty bad Ms. Diaz. I never seen someone with injuries like you have but you're lucky to be alive.
I seen my brother and the nurse walk out of the room and talked where I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Ryder: will her eye be okay?

Nurse: her eye will be fine but she will always have a scar on her face from the stitches but she will make a full recovery over time.

Ryder: that's good news, will she be able to sing again?

Nurse: her vocal chords weren't damaged so I don't see why she couldn't but that's up to her once she recovers from her injuries but she she does some memory loss but she can be reminded of anything that she might have forgotten about.

Ryder: like what exactly?

Nurse: for instance, any recent relationship or new people she might have met, things like that and speaking of boyfriends there's someone in the waiting room that's been asking about her.

Ryder: that's her boyfriend.

Nurse: it might be best if he come back during visiting hours but I will let you talk with him while I give your sister something for the pain she's feeling, she will be sleeping for several hours if you want to come back later with her boyfriend.

Ryder: thank you.

I watched as he walked back in the room and gently grabbed my hand.

Ryder: I will be back later to check on you Riley, get plenty of rest.

Riley: I love you bonehead...

Ryder: I love you too rebel...

I watched as he walked out of the room as the nurse stuck a needle into the hose from the I.V. that was running into my arm and she explained that it was a pain reliever and that it would make me drowsy.

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