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Ryder's point of view

Today was our first show and I had been backstage sitting with Riley and Tyler while we waited for Axel like we always did.

Riley: of all days to be late, he chooses now. I can't believe this.

Tyler: relax Riley, we can do this with or without him.

Ryder: I'll be right back.

Tyler: don't you leave either dude.

Ryder: I wouldn't leave you two hanging, I'm going to look for Axel.

I walked around backstage until I heard a female moaning, I took a quick peek and seen Axel banging some strange female while they hid behind the curtain. I knew that it would break Riley's heart when she found out he was cheating on her but she deserved to know the truth about what he was doing.

Ryder: dude what the hell?!

Axel: damnit Ryder, get out of here!

Ryder: we will be on stage in five minutes and you're back here screwing some chick!

Axel: sorry baby, we will meet up after the show.

Heather: okay baby, I will be waiting for you. I love you.

Axel: I love you too princess...

I walked away from where I found him and headed back to where Tyler and Riley were standing, it pissed me off that he was cheating on my sister after everything she did for him, this is how he thanks her by cheating on her with some bratty looking female.

Riley: well, did you find him?

Ryder: yeah I found him...

Riley: and, is he coming?

Ryder: Riley, there's something that I need to tell you and it's not going to be easy for you to hear but Axel is...

Axel: I'm here, sorry I'm late. I got stuck in traffic...

Ryder: whatever dude...

Axel: hey babe...

I watched as he leaned towards Riley and was about to kiss her when I pushed him away from her...

Axel: what the hell man?!

Riley: Ryder, what's gotten into you?

Ryder: I don't want him kissing you anymore...

Axel: someone's jealous...

Riley: and why can't I kiss my boyfriend?

Ryder: cause he's cheating on you, he was just near the sound equipment with another female while making out.

Riley: don't be ridiculous Ryder, Axel would never cheat on me. Would you baby?

Axel: of course not, you're the only one for me.

Riley: see, he loves me Ryder.

Ryder: he's lying...

Riley: I don't want you two arguing about this in front of the fans, can we just perform without the drama?

Tyler: I agree with Riley, we don't need you two on stage fighting with each other. Wait until after the show is over okay?

We walked onto the stage and I sat down in front of the drums while I watched Axel and the female he was just with staring at each other the entire time and it made me sick to my stomach that we was cheating on Riley.

heart and soulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora