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Riley's point of view

I was at Tyler's house with my brother and Tyler when Axel walked through the door.

Tyler: it's about time you showed up, we've been waiting for you for over an hour. Where were you dude?

Axel: I lost track of time, sorry. Are we gonna rehearse or not?

Riley: yes, we have a show in a few weeks and we need to be prepared for it.

After we finished rehearsing, Tyler and Ryder decided to continue practicing while Axel and I talked alone.

Riley: what's going on with you Axel, you used to be the first person here. What's got you missing rehearsals?

Axel: I lost track of time honestly, it won't happen again babe I promise.

Riley: is it because I haven't told my parents about us dating, is that what's going on with you?

Axel: well yeah mostly, I just feel like you're ashamed of our relationship.

Riley: I'm not ashamed of our relationship, I just don't want my dad thinking that I'm not focusing on anything else and he will want to meet you if he finds out we're dating.

Axel: do you want to go get a bite to eat?

I suddenly remembered the conversation I had with Andrew about meeting him for dinner but I didn't mention it to him as I looked over at him.

Riley: I am getting a little hungry, let's get some pizza.

Axel: alright, let's go.

I felt him grab my hand and pull me along while we ran to his truck as he drove away from Tyler's house. We walked inside the pizza parlor and sat down beside each other.

Riley: does our relationship mean that much to you that you want to meet my parents?

Axel: yes, you mean the world to me Riley and I can't help but feel like you're keeping our relationship a secret.

Riley: I'm sorry for making you feel that way but I would never keep our relationship a secret baby, I love you.

Axel: I love you too princess.

We continued talking while we ate dinner and he took me back to the college and walked with me to my dorm room. I felt him gently grab my hand and I pulled him into my room and crawled in bed next to him then felt him pull me towards him while we made out. I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head then we fell asleep while he held me close to him.

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