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Andrew's point of view

I returned from being in the studio with the guys when I seen her brother walking out of the house, I wasn't sure what was going on but noticed that he drove away in a hurry. I seen her sitting in the wheelchair as she quietly cried which made me concerned about her.

Andrew: hey baby bear, what's wrong sweetheart?

Riley: Ryder he...

She started crying even more and I held her close to me.

Andrew: don't let it stress you out, calm down and tell me what happened between you and your brother baby.

Riley: I called him to come help me while you were gone and the topic of me returning to take my place back in the band was mentioned and it caused an argument and he told me that he never wanted to see me again after today.

Andrew: just give him time to think about things, I'm sure he will come around once he is over what happened.

Riley: maybe so but only time will tell...

I continued holding her and she fell asleep probably from the crying she did so I carried her to our bedroom and laid her down then placed the blanket on her, I seen Jared and Elliot walking inside shortly after and I motioned for them to be quiet since Riley was sleeping as we headed to the backyard to talk while she slept.

Jared: I can't believe her own brother would say that to her.

Elliot: does she miss singing?

Andrew: she misses performing for her fans and her old band has lost alot of fans since Hazel took the lead spot. I want to do something for her since she misses being on stage but I'm not sure what to do that would help get her fans back.

Elliot: she could always go back on the road with us, I'm sure our manager can include her in our band.

Jared: you mean like writing songs with her?

Andrew: or we could sing a song with her, I think she would like that.

Elliot: just one problem, she still doesn't have her prosthetic leg yet. How is she going to be able to stand?

Jared: I know a guy who might can help with that, he owes me a favor.

I watched as Jared quickly left the house, I wasn't sure what he had in mind but he didn't return for another four hours.

I seen Riley slowly approaching us while she clung to the crutches as she was headed to where Elliot and I were sitting.

Andrew: hey baby bear.

Riley: hey.

I felt her sit on my lap and I placed my head against hers after I wrapped my arms around her body and kissed her cheek.

Riley: what are you guys doing?

Elliot: just hanging out.

I seen Jared holding on to whatever was in the bag before he handed it to Riley.

Riley: what's this?

Jared: I had a guy make it for you cause he owed me a favor, it's custom made but I hope you love it.

I watched as she unzipped the bag and seen a prosthetic leg inside, it had a deep engraved mark near the top almost like a tattoo that had her name on it.

Riley: Jared this is... I can't accept this...

Jared: the guys and I were talking, we know how much you miss performing for your fans and we want to see you doing what you love.

Riley: I do miss my fans but it doesn't compare to what I have now, you guys are like family to me. Thank you for this Jared, I love it!

Jared: well try it on and see how it feels.

I watched as she placed the bag behind her and I helped her put it on while making sure she was ready to stand up and walk around. I watched as she slowly walked around the garden while I followed behind her.

Riley: it feels so real, almost like I never lost my real leg.

Jared: I'm glad you love it, we should celebrate!

Andrew: I don't know dude, I don't think she should...

Riley: I would love to celebrate, let me go get a shower first.

I watched as she walked inside while I worried that she was going to push it and I didn't want her getting hurt.

Elliot: you alright man?

Andrew: yeah, I just don't want her pushing herself to much and getting hurt, she hasn't walked in over two months.

Jared: we will be here for her, just relax man.

I knew he was right but I still didn't want her being hurt.

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