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Riley's point of view

After learning of Nova and Ryder welcoming their daughter, I was determined not to say anything because I didn't want anyone taking the attention away from Alexandra.

I had been backstage alone while I pulled the oversize hoodie over my head so I could hide my belly even though I wasn't currently showing, I knew that I would have to tell Ryder and the others eventually since I couldn't keep it a secret forever but I was pregnant.

I seen Andrew walk into the room and shut the door so we could talk in private.

Andrew: I know that you're waiting to tell everyone the news but you can't keep this up Riley.

Riley: I know but I don't want the attention taken away from Alex, she'll need all the attention.

Andrew: baby please tell your brother and parents, you owe them that much.

Riley: you really want me to tell them that bad?

Andrew: yes, I'm proud of the life growing inside of you. I waited for this moment for so long but I can't help but feel like you're ashamed in what we did.

Riley: I promise that I'm not ashamed of you or the baby I'm carrying, I just want to tell my brother and our parents when we are together in person but I don't want you thinking that I am ashamed of the life we have.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him after he gently pulled me close while making sure he was careful with my belly.

Riley: I love you and I'm sorry for making you feel like I'm ashamed of this.

I felt him gently place his hand on my belly then looked me in my eyes and felt his lips on mine.

Andrew: I know you are waiting to get them together during dinner before saying something and I guess you're right for wanting to tell them the good news in person, just promise me that it will be soon.

Riley: we have another show in Tennessee in a couple of days, I will tell them that night I promise.

Andrew: okay...

Riley: I love you baby.

Andrew: I love you too baby bear.

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