trouble remembering

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Riley's point of view

I had been woken up hearing someone talking and seen my brother along with another female and Andrew who was holding my hand which I found a little weird so I suddenly moved my hand away from his and slowly slid up in bed even though the pain in my leg was excruciating and I felt the tears quickly run down my face along with letting out a loud sob which got Andrew's attention.

Andrew: hey, it's going to be okay. Move slow.

I felt him gently place his hands under my arms and helped me sit up in bed then placed the pillow underneath my broke leg without trying to make the pain worser but him moving my leg made the pain hurt more than before.

Riley: don't move it anymore Andrew, it hurts.

Andrew: I'm sorry Riley.

Riley: it's okay. Thank you for helping, Heather must hate the idea of you being here. You should be with her, I don't want to cause problems between you both.

Andrew: we broke up over two years ago, she hooked up with Axel remember?

I looked over at Ryder with tears in my eyes.

Riley: is that true Ryder?

Ryder: I'm afraid so, you and Andrew are dating now.

Riley: we are?

Andrew: yeah, we've been dating for two months now.

Riley: why don't I remember that?

Nurse: you're dealing with amnesia Ms. Diaz and I hate interrupting but I come to take her to have the stitches on her eye removed, she will be asleep when she returns but you can return tomorrow during visiting hours.

Riley: can I talk with Andrew alone for a few minutes?

Nurse: I will be back in twenty minutes.

I watched as Ryder and the female that was standing next to him left with him and the nurse.

Andrew: what's wrong sweetheart?

Riley: is what my brother said true, are we dating?

Andrew: yes, we hooked up over two months ago.

Riley: I'm sorry that I don't remember it happening.

Andrew: it's not your fault baby.

Riley: I love you Andrew.

Andrew: I love you too Riley. I will see you tomorrow, get some rest baby.

I felt him place his hand in mine and gave me a quick kiss before he walked out of the room as the nurse was walking back into the room and took me to have the stitches removed from my face.

I felt him place his hand in mine and gave me a quick kiss before he walked out of the room as the nurse was walking back into the room and took me to have the stitches removed from my face

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