21 - Primal Wanderers

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Primal Wanderers

Location: Purgatory

The following is an account of the beings known as primal wanderers. They are beings that have acclimated and can survive the harsh conditions of purgatory. Studies have been conducted on this acclimation in hopes of artificially replicating it.

Conditions of Purgatory

Purgatory is composed primarily of pure primal energy. As such, other forms of energy are constantly converted to and from primal energy in a seemingly truly random and chaotic cycle. Beings that enter purgatory are corroded by this constant cycle until nothing is left. While purgatory is mostly primal energy, it can include rare instances of terrain. This is either formed from chunks that have broken off of realms or formed from the gathering of a large amount of energy. However, the terrain will most likely be temporary, eventually corroded away by the natural cycle. Despite this, some beings not only live in this environment but thrive in it. These beings are known as 'primal wanderers.'


Various tools and equipment have been developed to mitigate the natural corrosion of purgatory; however, these are very quickly worn down and break, making long-form exploration and travel not viable. Attempts to imbue a greater concentration of energy to extend the lifespan of such devices were minimally successful, as a greater concentration of energy increases the rate of corrosion.

However, these devices have allowed various specimens to be captured and experimented on. Studies have been conducted on their physiology, flow of energy, the composition of the cores, and behavior. The following is a summary of the results:

1 - Acclimated cores allow primal energy to flow freely through them rather than wearing them down. While there is a certain amount of increased corrosion, the free-flowing primal energy does appear to fill in any discrepancies.

2 - The primal energy flow of purgatory continues to corrode the physiology of the specimens. However, the specimens appear to possess regenerative properties that compensate for this corrosion. This regenerative ability is greatly diminished while outside of purgatory. As most of the subjects were taken from similar locations, whether this regenerative ability is simply due to a sampling bias is unknown.

3 - When taken out of purgatory, the subjects seem to experience symptoms akin to 'magic deficiency syndrome.' After a few days, the symptoms fade, seeming to adjust to the conditions outside of purgatory. Releasing these specimens back to purgatory appears to cause no detrimental effects.

4 - The specimens captured, while sentient, are often bestial in nature, seeming to run on instinct. Examination of the mental core suggests a certain degree of corrosion has occurred before acclimation, which may contribute to this behavior. However, when considering primal wanderers such as Bahamut or the Reapers, they can be seen to be far more intelligent and cunning. This suggests that certain unknown factors can affect the rate of corrosion of the mental core. However, as such subjects have yet to be studied, this cannot be confirmed.

5 - Trace amounts of the energy known as 'regenesis' have been found in the cores of the specimens, which are found only in aspects and pseudo aspects. This suggests that only such beings are capable of acclimating to the conditions of purgatory.

From these results, further experiments were conducted using (redacted), a species of pseudo-aspects that are bred for the purpose of harvesting regenesis. The (redacted) survived in purgatory for slightly longer than expected. However, they eventually succumbed to the corrosion. This suggests that other factors can affect the acclimation of a species. It has also been suggested by (redacted), a caretaker of the (redacted) farms, that they may have been too weak to survive long enough to acclimate. The (redacted) are a particularly weak species of pseudo-aspects, which makes them perfect for breeding. Due to the need for stronger specimens, a bounty has been issued for the capture of a far stronger species of pseudo-aspect.


Due to the difficulty of capturing a powerful pseudo-aspect, the bounty has yet to be claimed. Experiments using regenesis implanted into the cores of lesser beings have begun. Subjects have yet to survive the process. Hence, experiments regarding acclimation with purgatory have yet to be conducted. Attempts to imbue equipment with regenesis have been unsuccessful. Primal wanderer specimens continue to be observed, and attempts are made to tame them.


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