5 - Hounds

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Location - Hell (10th Layer)

The following is an account and assessment of the 'Hounds.'

The Hounds are an elite force under the direct control of (redacted), the recently ascended ruler of the 10th Layer of hell. Due to their viciousness and efficacy, they have also been referred to as BloodHounds.

The Hounds have been identified as humanoids. However, since they are equipped with full plate armor that completely obscures their features, it is impossible to determine their exact species. A majority of Hounds appear to be medium-sized. However, in the siege of (redacted), there were reports of a tiny humanoid Hound that snuck in and destroyed the food stores. As the hounds serve (redacted), and their appearance directly coincides with his ascension, they are believed to be comprised mainly of hybrids.

The Hounds were initially believed to be hunters, as multiple sightings showed them tracking down high-priority targets. However, later reports show them acting as guards of essential figures and even elite soldiers deployed to critical battlefields. As such, they are now believed to be specialist soldiers.


While the exact composition of the Hounds is unknown, it is estimated that there are currently a little over 100 hounds. When Hounds are deployed, a standard squadron appears to consist of 5-7 hounds. When acting as guards within major cities of the 10th Layer, squadrons can include up to 20 Hounds. It should be noted that this information was gathered before the 'Veil of Shattered Souls' was cast over the 10th Layer of Hell. Updated information has

yet to be acquired since then.

They are known to be highly skilled, and their best are believed to possess power nearing the level of the 72 pillars. Their armor and weapons have been enhanced and inlaid with the capability to use magic from multiple spheres, classifying them, at a minimum, as master-rank magic tools.

The armor appears to be custom-designed for each Hound. Both its appearance and the magic imbued in it differ for each Hound. The only commonality is the dark hue of the metal. Whether this is due to the material used to construct the armor or just a design choice by (redacted) is unknown.

The armor is also known to emit minor magical interference. This aids the Hounds in stealth and prevents identification of the magic nature of their cores and equipment. Despite this interference, the armor does not appear to hinder the Hound's use of magic.

Attempts have been made to acquire the armor; however, when a Hound is killed, the armor has been known to erupt in alchemical fire, leaving no traces for analysis. The limited data gathered suggests that the armor design is similar to works by master craftsmen (redacted), whose creations require the sacrifice of a considerable number of souls. Their lab was recently found destroyed, and their work missing. The similarity in design suggests they were taken to the 10th Layer to forge the Hounds' armor. Whether or not they went willingly is unknown.

While it was initially assumed that the Hounds' weapons were of similar make, reports suggest that rather than magic weapons, they may, in fact, be living weapons. Please refer to the appropriate documents for a detailed summary of living weapons.

In the pivotal battle of (redacted), it was reported that after several Hounds had been felled, their weapons acted independently and exhibited traits similar to those of living weapons.

The following is an account of a survivor of the battle:

"Yeah, we heard of them, Hounds. Big and imposing in their black armor. With everything you'd hear about them, you'd think the stories about them were exaggerated. Well, I'm here to tell you that they are not. They ripped and tore through us like we were sandcastles in a tsunami. Only when the (redacted) showed up did we begin to get a sprinkle of hope...

... Finally, we began taking a few of them down. We were ordered to charge, and seeing those monsters fall gave us the courage to do so. That was when it turned really bad. I noticed from the corner of my eye that one of the weird weapons they'd been carrying, a hammer that seemed too sharp and pointy, began to stir. It transformed into a figure of what you'd imagine a dragon would look like, except flatter and lower to the ground.

Before any of us knew what was going on, it lunged. Bowling over us and crushing most of us under its weight. I was on the end, so I only lost an arm. I heard screaming and roars of different monsters. I assumed they, too, spawned from the weapons of those wretched Hounds. But I passed out before I could witness it....."

From this and similar accounts, whether they were living or spirit-sealed weapons was debated. As (redacted) is known to be one of the few beings capable of efficiently creating living weapons, living weapons are more probable.


Due to the danger posed by the Hounds, a kill-on-sight directive has been issued. A large bounty has been placed on the capture of a Hound or the acquisition of their weapon and armor. While living weapons will likely be impossible to replicate, the acquisition of their armor could allow similar products to be made. If not, at the very least, they can be analyzed for weaknesses. 


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