15 - Hell Hydrages

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Hell Hydrages

Location: Hell (8th Layer)

The following is an account of Hell Hydrages. They are burrowing, serpent-like creatures regarded as dangerous pests that infest fields and farmland. They are predominantly found in the 8th Layer of hell.


Like most serpents, Hell Hydrages are limbless and possess long elongated bodies. They are covered in scales ranging from mossy green when they are younger to ashy gray as they age. The scales on the underside and near the face are of a lighter tone, with the color pattern on the face often making the Hell Hydrages look as if they are glaring. When they hatch, they are only a meter or two in length and can grow up to 150 meters in length and 3 meters in diameter. The largest sample ever recorded was 187 meters to 3.8 diameters.

They secrete and coat themselves in a thin layer of viscous acid, giving them an almost glossy look. This coating prevents parasites from latching on and aids in movement. A sharp calcified protrusion on their head acts as a shovel or wedge, helping them move underground. While they don't possess eyes, there are two shallow indentations on their heads where eyes could be, suggesting their ancestors did possess eyes. Instead, they sense tremors through the earth, which they use to identify their prey. Their jaws contain several layers of razor-sharp teeth, much like that of a hellhound, which they use to rip their prey apart.


When Hell Hydrages are young, they are able to freely move through the earth. As they grow older, movement becomes far more difficult. As such, before they reach the 'mature' stage, they must find an area with plenty of food where they will spend the rest of their lives. This most often includes fields and farmland.

Vibrations caused by the footsteps of creatures will attract young Hell Hydrages, often several at once. As the young hell hydrages are yet unable to hunt, they will instead burrow deep and wait. This allows them to preserve energy, stay warm, and avoid other creatures that would dig them up and prey on the defenseless young Hell Hydrages. It takes around 2 weeks for Hell Hydrages to grow fully, and once they have grown to a sufficient size, they will finally be able to hunt.

They will wait underground till their potential prey gets close enough. Once they do, the hell hydrages will lunge with explosive force, tearing into them with their fangs. Smaller creatures they kill with a single strike and drag underground. For bigger creatures, they simply tear off chunks of their flesh before retreating underground. These larger creatures may survive a single strike; however, usually, several Hell Hydrages reside in a single location, and larger creatures often get attacked by several at once.

While initially, there will be plenty of food for the Hell Hydrages, as creatures become more aware of their presence and begin to avoid their hunting grounds, their food supply will dwindle. Hell Hydrages are able to slow down internal life processes to preserve energy, allowing them to survive without food for several months. However, in cases where there is abundant food, despite being able to survive for months without, a Hell Hydrage will feed frequently, with only a few hours break between sessions.

Once hell hydrage reaches a certain age, they will produce offspring. Within their body, near the tail end, is a sack that slowly produces eggs throughout their lifetime. Hell Hydrages reproduce asexually, and the amount of food they manage to get determines the number of eggs they produce. Once they reach a certain age, usually 9 years, the eggs hatch inside the Hell Hydrage, and the offsprings exit through an opening. On average, a single Hell Hydrage can produce over a dozen offspring; however, one specimen has reportedly produced 32 offsprings.

However, these offsprings often fight, and half of them die before they can exit their parent. Once they exit, they will begin burrowing through the earth in search of their own hunting grounds. While they don't appear to intentionally travel in a group, strong vibrations can attract several to a single location. This cycle repeats and can cause Hell Hydrages to rapidly spread.


Due to their rapid reproduction rate and the danger they pose, they have been deemed an invasive species. Anyone found attempting to import or smuggle in a Hell Hydrage will be severely punished. 


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