7 - Vercuren Spirit Citadel

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Vercuren Spirit Citadel

The following is an account of the Vercuren Spirit Citadel, also known as the Great Spirit Tower. The Citadel is the origin of the style of spirit magic known as 'pact magic.'


Spirit magic primarily manipulates the flow of other magics, acting as a catalyst to control the flow of magic and serving as a natural balancing force. It can be used to create magic tools, contracts, fragmented souls, and many other uses. Spirit magic is the most versatile and flexible of all the spheres of magic. As such, skilled spirit mages are often in high demand.

This is especially true in times of war, where spirit mages are often drafted to create weapons and other such tools. One of the most significant examples is during the 'Great Divide,' the paramount war between heaven and hell. During this, spirit mages were often drafted by force as both sides desperately sought to tip the scales of power.

Spirit magic may be the most versatile; however, spirit mages are the least able to defend themselves. During the Great Divide, spirit mages had to sell their services or be captured and forced to do the same. As such, many spirit-crafts guilds were either absorbed or destroyed and sold for parts.

During this crisis, the remaining guilds gathered to discuss their survival. An event that is referred to as the 'first vigil.' It is unknown what transpired at that meeting. However, the end result is plain to see.

With the aid of the spatial mage (redacted), the guilds would tether an aberrant realm. Upon it, they would build the Vercuren Spirit Citadel, named after the Vercuren guild, which spearheaded its design and creation. A structure that would give independent spirit mages the ability to bring retribution.

Much of the Citadel's inner workings are unknown. However, a core upon which pact magic can be channeled is believed to be housed within the Citadel.

Pact Magic

Much like other spirit magics, Pact magic is simply a template for controlling the flow of magic. It is, however, a complex weave that most spirit mages could never replicate. While they may not be able to replicate pact magic, the Citadel allows even the weakest spirit mages to channel these templates and use them with ease. The only criteria seem to be that they recognize the existence of the pact magics and have a basic understanding of their functions.

The primary function of pact magic appears to be to allow spirit mages to defend themselves through 'balancing acts' or 'sacrificial acts.' The following is an account by (redacted), the leader of a band of mercenaries who captured and sold spirit mages during the 'Great Divide.'

"...It was a standard run, you know? Go to a guild, do a bit of mild negotiation, and if negotiations don't pan out, use a bit of 'aggressive persuasion.' There were supposed to be just a few guards in place, so it was easy picking...

...When we got there, we weren't exactly met with a warm reception. Which was expected, of course. They were scared, which wasn't really a surprise. When we roll up, most are. But there was something different this time. Like their fear wasn't focused on us. I just assumed they were already under someone's control. A little annoying, but no big deal. Just means we had to be quick to snatch a few of them and leave. Still had to try to convince them to come on their own. Much easier if they didn't put up a fight. Their leader, or who I assumed was their leader, stepped up. It was one of those Scarrog demons with the glowing blue marks on their skin...

... Anyway, they didn't come quietly, which was fine. So we picked up our weapons and prepared to take them by force. This is when things went weird. The Scarrog picked up a vile and poured what looked like oil all over its arm. It muttered something I couldn't quite make out, and the oil ignited, engulfing their arm in a red inferno. And it wasn't one of those oils that you put on to give your punches a little extra kick. It was burning their skin. They were screaming in pain.

Before I could even wonder what was going on, I felt my skin begin to burn, and before I knew it, my whole body was set ablaze. I was screaming and writhing like an idiot, but even then, I was aware enough to know no help was coming. I could see that my mates were burning much the same, set ablaze in a red inferno. Some already a charred corpse on the ground...

... Eventually, it stopped. I managed to heal myself, life mage, and all that. But the rest weren't so lucky. I took off as fast as I could. Luckily, they didn't come after me, or else I wouldn't be here right now. I gave just one brief look back and saw the Scarrog. Nothing left of their arm but a charred stump. Back then, I didn't know what had happened. Well, guess I do now...'

This testimony corroborated other accounts received. Through similar accounts and experiments conducted by the (redacted) sector, it has been determined that pact magic requires sacrifice or equivalence of the caster. This required sacrifice may be due to the fundamental balancing nature of spirit magic or an artificial cost placed by the Vercuren guild to prevent abuse of pact magic.

For a more detailed account of pact magic, please refer to the appropriate documents.

The Citadel

After its creation, the aberrant realm was untethered, and many of the guilds returned. It is believed that a few stayed behind in order to maintain the Citadel.

Since its original creation, the location of the Citadel has remained unknown

since aberrant realms are often free-flowing. However, this often leaves aberrant realms at risk of colliding with other realms. As such, it is believed that the aberrant realm of the Citadel, now named Verial, is not a true aberrant realm and has some structured path. It is also speculated that said path passes near the primal realm of spirit in order to siphon spirit magic and sustain itself.

Attempts have been made to identify and capture guild members responsible for the Citadel's creation. However, many of the original members have since died. The only identifiable member (redacted) is now one of the 72 Pillars of Hell.


Due to internal disagreements, there are no active operations to locate or influence the Vercuren Spirit Citadel. The (redacted) believe that attempts should be made to locate and control the Citadel. In contrast, the (redacted) believe such attempts may obstruct pact magic, which would have significant negative impacts due to the heavy integration of pact magics in essential fields.


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