2 - Flame wing blossom

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Flame wing blossom

Location: Elemental realm (fire)

The following is an account of the plant known as the 'Flame Wing Blossom'

Discovered by Captain (redacted), who was sent with a scouting party to investigate the alleged destruction of the chaos shrine. Please note that details of that mission that are unrelated to the Flame Wing Blossom will not be included in this account. For more information, please refer to the appropriate records or inquire directly at a source if it is urgent.

The Flame Wing Blossom was named as such due to the shape of its petals, which vaguely resemble wings, and that it was discovered in the elemental realm of fire.

Due to the high concentration of energy detected in the recovered samples, further studies were conducted. The crimson red petals were found to absorb heat, which it then converts to energy and nutrients to sustain itself. The excess energy is stored in the plant's pistils, allowing it to temporarily sustain itself in colder climates. Any further excess heat is believed to then be released through the roots. However, this is yet to be confirmed due to the lack of roots in the provided samples.

When the heat was provided, the Flame Wing Blossom behaved as expected and absorbed the energy. However, when heat that would have matched the expected mean temperature of the elemental plane of fire was applied, the plant quickly withered.

This may simply have been due to the deterioration of the samples due to time and the samples lacking roots. However, it was stated by (redacted), an expert in floral ecology, that even in ideal form, the sample would not have survived such harsh conditions.

Captain (redacted) was then questioned regarding the conditions in which the flame wing blossoms were found. The following is a direct quote from Captain (redacted) -

"It was hot, blistering heat. Even with the amulets and specialized gear they gave us, we could feel the heat piercing through our skin, slowly suffocating us. Worse yet there was barely any land, forcing us to keep airborne despite the fatigue. The hammocks did little and didn't last nearly as long as we were told they would. . . Then we found it. A floating hunk of dirt that was our saving grace. What really saved us was the cold. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't by any means actually cold. But compared to what we'd been going through, it was darn right frigid. The relief we felt when we landed. I nearly dropped to the ground and kissed the dirt in euphoria.

We spent some time resting and recuperating. While surveying, we found these little flowers just growing there. We couldn't believe it. The only non-flame life we'd seen for days. We didn't think anything could grow out there, but there they were. Not that I cared too much. I had bigger things to worry about. . . After taking some time to rest and letting the cool air clear my head. I decided we were ill-equipped, and carrying on would almost certainly mean death. (redacted), our resident plant expert, well rather enthusiast really, vehemently asked to take a few samples back. The look in their eye. I couldn't really muster up the energy to say no. So I told them that if they could properly contain them, they could take a few samples back. . ."

The nature of this 'cold spot' in the elemental realm of fire is yet unknown. The statements from the other members did not provide further clarity. It has been suggested that a large enough number of flame wing blossoms could, in theory, absorb enough heat to create a hospitable environment for themselves. An alternate theory is that the soil may have been imbued with magic that cooled the surroundings. Since no mineral samples were gathered, this cannot be confirmed.

Further experiments were conducted regarding the potential practical use of the flame wing blossoms. The fibers of the petals are highly heat-conductive. They could be used in heating and cooling implements. However, practical testing has been limited due to the limited sample amount.

The pistils have been found to be an effective long-term heat source. One particularly viable sample has been able to provide heat for 11 months. Using an apparatus or adjustments using life or force magic may extend that usage period.

(redacted) has also conducted experiments on the alchemical use of Flame Wing Blossoms. This has resulted in incidents of (redacted) sections suffering multiple explosions, causing extensive heat and frost damage. These incidents have resulted in multiple injuries but no deaths. Due to the power of the explosions, compared to the limited magic energy supplied and the abysmal quality of the samples, further research has been ordered by (redacted) for military use.


Limited sample quantity and quality have hindered progress. Attempts have been made to nurture more Fire Wing Blossoms through life magic. However, this has proved unsuccessful due to the state of the remaining samples and the complex nature of the flame wing blossoms. Due to the hostile nature of the elemental realm of fire and the likelihood of the cold spot having since drifted, missions to retrieve more samples have been deemed too risky. 


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