6 - Sinestra Academy

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Sinestra Academy

Location - Human Realm

The following is an account of the Sinestra Academy located in the central continent of the human realm. It specializes in the study of magic and other realms.

The Sinestra Academy was founded during the period in human history referred to as the 'Age of Darkness.' It was founded by the defective angel Sinestra, a low-ranking angel who aided in the research sector.

While the knowledge taught in the Academy was surface-level, it was seen as groundbreaking in the human world. Due to this, word of the Academy spread far and wide, earning prestige within the human world. Eventually, the city of Sinestra was built around the Academy.

Records show that the low-level angel Sinestra was not authorized to enter the human world at the time. Briefly, an order to capture the rogue angel had been issued. However, as the Academy's influence grew, the (redacted) suspended the order.

The reasons for the suspension are:

1 - Due to the low-rank Sinestra held, they likely would not have had access to restricted information.

2 - The Academy's influence would aid in future operations in the human realm.

3 - The Academy's teachings discriminate against demons.

The (redacted) soon after suspending the order, sent an envoy to investigate, question, and, if need be, negotiate with Sinestra. However, when the envious arrived, the central Academy was found to have been destroyed.

The following is an account by envoy (redacted):

".. we arrived in the city a few days after the incident. They were still cleaning up the carnage and wreckage that was left behind. Soldiers carried pieces of bodies to a mass grave, and citizens huddled in makeshift tents as their homes were left rubble. Almost like the city was struck with a natural disaster...

...Using psionic magic to avoid detection, we made our way deeper into the city, towards the Academy. I'm sure it was once a marvelous sight. In a way, it still was. The morbid way a tomb or a grand mausoleum would inspire awe. With the death that undoubtedly transpired, it might as well be one....

... as we were ordered, we began preliminary investigations of the Academy. While the circumstances differed, our mission remained.

A fire destroyed many of the documents. Whatever survived was of little interest. Analyzing the residual energy, we identified a powerful force core...

.... Following the energy trail, we arrived at the location where we believed Sinestra had been killed. There, we found blood. (redacted) ran an analysis, and we identified it as vampire blood. From the potent energy, it was obviously old and powerful. We scraped a few samples and quickly left, fearing the vampire would return..."

Due to the volatile nature of vampire blood, preservation of the sample was not possible. Weeks later, the (redacted) would send a team led by (redacted) to rebuild and manage Sinestra Academy, as the name and structure still held influence.

When they arrived, reconstruction of the Academy was already underway. (Redacted) and their team reported that the human kingdom of (redacted) was in charge of reconstruction. They attempted to integrate themselves into the workforce. However, s

ince then, there has been no contact. They are presumed to have been caught and executed. Since then, additional attempts have been made to infiltrate the Academy.


Infiltrators have since been recalled, and only orders to observe have been issued. (Redacted) has been sighted in the Academy. However, their connection and significance is unknown.

Sinestra's death has been filed under (redacted) due to similarities with other cases. For details, please refer to the appropriate files or inquire directly at a source if it is urgent. 


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