10 - Aspects

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The following is an account of the beings known as aspects.

Aspects are beings that have existed since the so-called 'pulse of creation,' the reaction that gave birth to all of existence. Aspects can be divided into 3 categories, primal aspects, aspects, and pseudo aspects. Please note that this account provides only a brief outline of each category. For more details, please refer to the appropriate records or inquire directly at a source if it is urgent.

Primal Aspects

Primal aspects were created as a direct result of the pulse of creation. They are beings of pure energy whose powers are unmatched. Each primal aspect rules over one sphere of magic, their power and control over it absolute. As such, there exists only one primal aspect for each sphere of magic; however, whether this has always been the case cannot be confirmed.

Despite being composed of pure energy, primal aspects do possess a form that is made up of immense amounts of compressed energy. Through observed history, their forms stay consistent, with only minute changes. As such, it is believed that they cannot freely control their form and is instead determined by the nature of their sphere and other external factors.

While primal aspects were once considered all-powerful, certain instances have shown they are not infallible. Namely, the death of the primal aspect of the spatial sphere during the ancient aspect wars. Due to this event predating any form of record, the exact details are unknown. However, it is theorized that it was at the hands of another primal aspect or a group of aspects, as little else could pose a threat. It should be noted that legends tell that the primal aspect of the spatial sphere did leave a body upon death, which suggests that the compressed energy does not simply dissipate after death.

In the rare event primal aspects are injured, they need to absorb an incredible amount of energy from their ruling sphere to heal themselves. As such, they often reside in the primal realm of their ruling sphere. However, in the event the primal realm has been destroyed or inaccessible, such as the primal realm of life, they have been observed to reside in purgatory and absorb the free-flowing primal energies. This is, however, believed to be a much slower process.


Similar to primal aspects, the aspects were born due to the pulse of creation. It is unknown what precisely differed in the creation of primal aspects and aspects; however it has been theorized by (redacted) that the primal aspects were born from the main pulse while the aspects were born from the subsequent ripples. While aspects are weaker than primal aspects, they have been observed to access magic abilities that most other beings cannot.

It is popularly believed that aspects were born with specialized branches of magic and that their names reflected as such. For example, it was thought that the aspect of the undead was born with the unrivaled ability to control the undead. However, their specialty was simply the result of what branch of magic they chose to focus on. Their names were given by lesser beings to identify and differentiate them. They were often named based on their specialized branches of magic or extraordinary feats they had performed. It has also been observed that the names of aspects change throughout history.


While pseudo aspects are not deemed proper aspects, they are included in this account due to the similarity in their creation. They were believed to have been born from the residue of the pulse of creation.

While pseudo-aspects are powerful, their power can significantly vary between them. Some are as strong as aspects, while others would struggle against a lower-ranked 72-pillar demon. They also appear to be much more bestial in nature, with few possessing higher levels of intelligence.

Some have also been seen to possess a reproductive cycle. However, those observed to possess such a trait appear to not have inherited the aspects' eternal life. However, Their life spans are still far greater than that of most creatures.

The cores of pseudo-aspects possess traces of a unique energy that is believed to be from the pulse of creation. This unique energy has been named regenesis. It can be harvested, and as such, some pseudo-aspects are raised in order to harvest regenesis. Stronger pseudo-aspects appear to possess greater trace amounts of regenesis.


While primal aspects and aspects rarely intervene after the 'great divide,' it is advised that they not be antagonized. Retribution by such beings could result in great loss and destruction to realms in our purview.

The (redacted) sector has been assigned to study and analyze regenesis samples. Due to its unique nature, a method of utilizing it has yet to be found. Excess samples are being sold to (redacted).


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