11 - The Three Cores

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The Three Cores

Through the study of the physiology of various creatures, it has been determined that all creatures in some form possess three cores: the primary core, the magic core, and the mental core. Creatures that do not possess all three cores cannot be deemed as truly sentient. The following is an account of the three cores as well as a brief summary of each of their functions.

Primary core

Upon birth or creation, the primary core is the first to form. Composed mainly of primal magic, the flow of magic within the primary core determines various traits and aids in the formation of the magic core and psionic core. For creatures with a reproductive cycle, the primary core inherits the traits of the parent or parents. For other creatures, it is less clear what traits would be present in the primary core; however, it is believed that the flow of magic and other factors that contributed to their birth play a part.

Magic core

The core determines what sphere of magic a creature can access. It is formed due to the primary core drawing in external energy. Initially, this core will be volatile, and the energy flow will be chaotic. As time passes, the flow of magic will stabilize, creating a proper magic core.

While the traits of the primary core aid in determining which sphere the magic core will fall under, factors such as the availability of magic in the environment play an effect. For example, if the primary core is predisposed to absorb spirit energy, then a spirit core will likely form. However, in the case that there is a lack of spirit energy and an excess of matter energy in the surroundings, then despite the predisposition to spirit energy, it will absorb matter energy instead, resulting in the creation of a matter core.

It should be noted that trace amounts of all spheres of magic exist in all creatures and objects. As such, there have been cases where, regardless of the predisposition of the primary core and the availability of magic, a core of a complete sphere has formed. The (redacted) have conducted experiments to better control the formation of the core. While results have been favorable, complete control is not yet possible.

While all beings possess a magic core, it does not necessarily mean they can immediately use magic. When a magic core is able to channel energy and use magic, it will be deemed 'active.' However, the magic core will initially be in a 'dormant' state. In this state, it will be unable to channel magic. However, it has been observed that even dormant, the core does provide resistance to the magic of their sphere. For example, a being with a dormant psionic core will possess a small amount of resistance to psionic magic. Further studies are being conducted to determine whether dormant cores provide any additional effects. For more information regarding the activation of a magic core, please refer to the appropriate documents.

Mental Core

This core controls a being's decision-making and thought processes. While composed mainly of psionic energy, the mental cores of certain creatures do contain amounts of spirit or life energy. This core often exists in a perpetual semi-unstable state, the reactions and flow of magic giving rise to thoughts and emotions.

Certain reactions in the mental core can affect the behavior of the other two cores. This can include forcing the core to destabilize and 'burn' itself to unleash more power or increasing the rate at which energy is absorbed into the core. Please note that the reactions within the mental core are incredibly complex and have yet to be fully understood. The (redacted) sector is currently responsible for researching mental cores.

Structure of cores

The position of the cores within a creature and the interactions between the cores are referred to as the 'structure.' The magic core will often form around the primary core, while the mental core will be separated from the two. An example of this would be in the case of humans, where the inner and magic cores are located in the chest while the mental core is located in the head. This is believed to be so that the reactions of the mental core will minimally affect the other cores.

However, there are cases where this structure is not followed. In the case of spirits, all three cores are nearly fused together, allowing for more aggressive reactions within the cores. Conversely, in the case of dreans, the cores are all separated, slowing down the flow of magic and favoring energy preservation.

What causes the structures to form this way is unknown. However, (redacted), an expert in the study of energy flow, theorizes that the structure that forms is the one that allows the creatures to most likely survive their environment. For example, dreans are found in low-energy realms. Hence, the separated cores ensure energy is not unnecessarily expended.


Further studies are being conducted regarding the various cores and their interactions. This aims to create creatures with more powerful and versatile cores. (redacted) has been assigned to research the creation of artificial cores. 


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