14 - Fall of the Primal Realm of Life

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Fall of the Primal Realm of Life

The following includes a brief summary of the primal realm of life and its subsequent fall during the ancient aspect wars. For more details, please refer to the appropriate documents or refer to a source if it is urgent. Please note that as the realm is currently inaccessible, much of the information was provided by aspects and other ancient beings.

Primal Realm of Life

It is the domain of the Primal Aspect of Life and is one of the primal realms that was born as a direct result of the pulse of creation. The primal realm constantly produces high-quality life energy, encouraging the birth of new and unique species. The surface is entirely covered by plant life, and whether there is a matter layer below or just more plants below is unknown.

Due to the frequent creation and extinction of various species, the ecology of the primal realm is constantly changing. Furthermore, the plants that cover the surface are constantly shifting, causing rapid changes in geology, which would have made the realm unmappable. Despite this, the areas in the primal realm of life have been categorized into different types of regions based on the concentration of life energy in the area.

1 - Nodes - The regions where high energy life energy accumulates. These regions usually cover less than 100 square meters and are engulfed by a single ever-changing mega-organism. While this organism can, by technical definition, be considered 'living,' it is questionable whether it could have been considered sentient since the ever-changing nature may not support the creation of proper, stable cores.

2 - Nests - These regions usually surround nodes, awash with excess life energy that seeped from the nodes. An area that undergoes constant birth of new life and mutation of already existing life. Often, the creatures born here very quickly die due to predation by other creatures or mutations. It is only when a creature manages to leave the nest and into the wilds that they have the potential to survive.

3 - Wilds - These regions encompass most of the realm, possessing only residuals of high-quality life energy. While the ecology and geography change, it is at a far slower rate, allowing stable ecosystems to briefly exist.

4 - Outer Wilds - Regions that are awash with the minimum amount of life energy. The size of these regions is far greater than nests. However, fewer instances of them have also been reported. These regions are shift and change at a significantly slower rate. It was also reported that in some of these regions, communities of sentient beings have emerged.

It is believed that the primal aspect of life could control the flow of life energy in the realm. As such, it is believed that the realm was made wild and inhospitable by design.

The Fall

Please note that the following information was collected through second-hand accounts. As such, the accuracy of the statements cannot be verified.

The hostile nature of the primal realm of life made exploration and habitation of the realm challenging, even for aspects. As such, during the great aspect war, this made it a natural fortress and safe haven for those who supported the Primal Aspect of Life, who was a major aggressor during the war. As such, many sought to destroy the primal realm of life, including other primal aspects.

However, the one responsible for the destruction of the realm was not a primal aspect; rather, it was an aspect, namely the Aspect of Atrophy, one of the few beings with a primal magic core. While it is unknown precisely why the aspect of atrophy targeted the primal realm of life, it is believed to be in vengeance against the primal aspect of life.

While the Primal Aspect of Life was away, the Aspect of Atrophy would perform a spell that would come to be known as 'the great devouring,' a spell that was performed at the cost of their own life. This spell unleashed a wave of primal energy that would 'infect' and destroy the threads of magic, breaking it down into a similar kind of primal energy. This allowed the spell to continuously spread, stopping only when there was no more energy to 'infect.'

The primal realm of life, being abundant in energy, allowed the 'great devouring' to spread across the realm easily, 'infecting' all life. The state of the aspects that resided in the realm at the time is not fully known. However, most of them were believed to have been 'infected' and died as a result.

After the Fall

Due to the primal realm of life constantly producing energy, the 'great devouring' never tapered out. Furthermore, as the energy produced is life energy, creatures continue to be born in the primal realm of life only to die soon after. However, recent observations do suggest that the life span of these creatures is slowly increasing, suggesting that they are developing resistance. These creatures have been named 'devourer spawns.'

Expeditions have been made to capture these creatures in the hopes of analyzing them and replicating their resistance. As such, magic seals have been developed to prevent the crew from being infected with the devourer. These expeditions have mostly ended in failure, with the creatures proving to be highly aggressive and powerful, easily able to break through the magic seals. The single 'successful' expedition resulted in only half the crew returning with a deceased specimen that was too deteriorated to gather useful data.


Due to the (redacted) incident where traces of the devourer almost spread and destroyed (redacted), all expeditions to the primal realm of life have been indefinitely postponed. The primal realm of life is under strict quarantine until further notice. 


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