As an author I have a like of wanting my books to be perfect occasionally there are a few mistakes. But this book was written then I rewrote it. Because I left it for a while and didn't like it. This book was written during the Covid pandemic. And was my first Harry Potter fanfiction and when I started it. I had this idea of rose. Was her own special moment with her own thing. And that was for told. And I wanted to make them fall quick and hard. And thus the start of the relationship of Draco and Rose.

My best friend SuperMinds-fan Deserves more credit then I could ever give her as she gets to read all of my work wether it's just one chapter I have written or a few chapters or write something the write on it more. She has always given me feed back and encouraged me to get better at writing even if she didn't know it so thank you big sis. And this book she had a major impact on the creative process as we bounce ideas off of each other and at the time her love of Severus made me painf him in the first chapter as the man who wanted to take care of the child of his childhood best friend and crush. And for the 264 comments she left with silly comments or helping me make things clearer.

Lastly tags for people who want to read the book.


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