Flying on a broom isn't easy.

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After study hall the whole two houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin went outside. Today was the day they start to learn how to fly a broom. So they stood outside waiting on their teacher Madam Hooch. Who was running behind. A women with yellow owl like eyes and white spikes hair.

"Good afternoon class." She said.

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch." The class said back to her.

"Good afternoon Amanda and good afternoon welcome to your first flying lesson well what are you waiting for everyone step up to there left side of their broomstick come on now hurry up stuck your right hand and say up." She told us.

Everyone in the class started to say up. Harry and Roses broom flew into their hands.

"Whoa." Harry said.

Hermionie stared at them and everyone else kept working.

"Up!" Rose heard Draco shout from across me. She looked up and saw him with a smirk.

"With feeling!" Madam Hooch shouted.

"Up, up, up, up." Hermionie said.

"Up!" Ron exlaimed.

His broom flew and conked him on the nose

"Ow!" He exlaimed.

Harry and Rose laughed.

"Shut up Harry and Rose." Ron said.

"Now once you've got a hold of your broom I want you to mount it and grip it right you don't want to be sliding off the end." Madam Hooch said.

For monting we all stood with the broom in between are legs.

"When I blow my whistle I want each of you to kick off from the ground hard keep your broom steady hover for a moment lean forward slightly and touch back down on my whistle 3...2." Madam hooch said.

Tweet!Her whistle went off.

Neville Longbottom was one of the kids in my house immediately went into the air.

"Oh.." A very frightening Neville said.

"Mr Longbottom." Madam Hooch called.

Neville what are you doing?" One girl asked.

"Neville...Neville.."Some kids chanted.

"We're not supposed to take off yet." One boy said.

Neville soared away.

"M..M..Mr. Longbottom Mr Longbottom!" Hooch shouted.

"Ahhhh!" Neville screamed.

"Mr Longbottom!" Hooch shouted.

Neville screamed for help as he soared threw the sky. Before he hit a wall and swooped off into the air while screaming. He headed back near us. Hooch held her wand out.

"Help!" Neville shouted.

"Mr Longbottom." Madam Hooch shouted.

Neville came we all scattered in fear of what could happen. Neville went threw us and went up the tower.

We heard screens again before her fell

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch shouted

We all moved out of the way and she ran threw us.

"Come in get up." Hooch told Neville.

"Is he alright?" One girl asked.

Neville let out a scream of pain.

"Oh,oh,oh, dear it's a broken wrist Tch,Tch,tuch good boy come on now up you get." Madam hooch told Neville.

Draco reaches down and grabs Neville's Remembrall, which has fallen. Hooch begins to lead Neville away with her.

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