Eleven years later

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The same house only ten almost eleven years ago were Harry Potter and his twin sister Rose Potter who have slept in the cubicle under the stairs in 4 privet drive. Petunia Dursley, the first one who woke up, had gone down stairs and turned on the light. And went to the small, not even a bedroom, where her nephew and niece slept in.

"Get up!" Petunia shouted to the kids. As she knocked on the door.

There was no response from the room so she knocked again.

"Now!" She exclaimed

Inside the room Harry and Rose woke up Rose grabbed her contacts and put them on while Harry wore his black round frame glasses with the only thing holding them together was a piece of tape on the bridge of the glasses.

"Harry I can not stand her." Ten year old Rose told her older brother by a few minutes' brother Harry.

Harry ignored his sister's remarks about their aunt and turned on the light in their room because he was closer to the light switch. As he did that the ceiling above them well it was just the stairs above their head started to bend in

"Wake up cousins we're going to the zoo!" The twins bratty and very spoiled cousin Dudley exclaimed.

The twins shared a look before they got up and went into the kitchen before they did. Dudley went in. In the little house on private drive was Vernon the twins uncle Petunia who was Lily Potter's sister which made her their aunt and then there was Dudley a spoiled bratty boy who was a month older than Harry and Rose.

"Ah here comes the birthday boy!" Petunia exclaimed as her son came to the kitchen dining room and living room.

"Happy birthday son." Vernon told his son.

Petunia and Dudley laugh and giggle about something before the twins went into their aunt and uncle's kitchen.

"Why don't you just cook breakfast and try not to burn anything." Petunia said.

"Yes Aunt Petunia." Harry and Rose said.

That's when Harry got to work on making bacon and Rose started to make coffee and set the table.

Petunia went on a rant of saying how everything had to be perfect for Dudley special day.

"Hurry up bring me my coffee girl!" Vernon shouted to Rose.

"Yes Uncle Vernon." Rose said.

Rose handed him his coffee before walking back to doing what she was doing in the kitchen and helped Harry finish cooking. The two watched as Dudley was led over to a giant stack of presents Harry and Rose never got anything for their birthday, maybe clothes or glasses but nothing very important. And they watched as Dudley looked at his presents.

"Aren't they wonderful darling?" Petunia asked.

"How many are there?" Duleley asked, being very bratty.

"Thirty six counted'em myself." Dudley father who a very round and plump man said.

"Thirty six but last year I had thirty seven." Dudley whined.

"Err...yes well some of them and quite a bit bigger than last year." Vernon said.

"I don't care how big they are!" Dudley exclaimed.

Petunia came running into the living room to calm her very bratty and winning son Dudley.

"Oh now this is what we're going to do when we go out we're going to buy you two new presents, that's pumpkin." Mother told son.

The twins went to get dressed. Harry put on jeans a gray shirt with a blue gray flannel shirt over it with converse and Rose who was in a black pair of shorts a white shirt black converse suspenders and a black fedora. They walked out of their room they split with a sheet so they could change. Rose walked to the bathroom that was downstairs and when she got out and went outside. Harry and her both were caught by their cruel and rude uncle.

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