A Malfoy Kinda Christmas. Part 1

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Rose woke up early the day her and Draco were leaving. Changing into muggle clothes that was fit for the weather. Getting out of the slytherin common room and going to the gryffindor tower were she was met by a painting.

"Figures." Rose said.

"Your not a gryffindor." The panting said.

"No I'm not but my brother Harry is and I just come to give him this letter." Rose said.

"Okay dear but make it quick." The female in the painting said.

The door opened and Rose went in and she saw Harry was already awake.

"Rose what are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"I come to drop stuff off I am stay with Draco family so I wanted to give you your Christmas present." Rose said.

"Oh thank you." Harry said.

Rose handed Harry a small brown bag.

"I picked it up while we were at Diagon Alley at the beginning of the school year." Rose said.

Harry opened the bag and it showed a small orb with a bunch of pictures that moved.

"I had Mcgonagal help me fill it." Rose said.

Harry grabbed his sister and pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you Rose I don't have anything for you but I hope you have a good Christmas and I think Ron mum has something for the both of us when you come back." Harry said.

"Your welcome Harry I will miss you too and have a good Christmas I will be back before you know it." Rose told her brother.

Rose walked out of the dorm and went back to hers and grabbed her trunk along with Jupiter and Ares . And was met by Draco who was in a turtleneck shirt with black dress pants and black shoes.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess." Rose said.

The two walked out of hogwarts and down to Hogsmede train station to go back to platform nine and threee quarters.

"Look head up my father can be a harsh but my mother go along with it so whatever happens just behave."' Draco said.

"Well at least you live with a family who doesn't keep you in a closet of a bedroom stave you and hurt you." Rose said.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything." Draco said.

"You didn't know." Rose said.

The train ride was silent and the boy and girl sat together both asleep on each other shoulders. When thr train stoped they woke up. Rose grabbed her things so did Draco. Outside of the train they were met by Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

"Draco good to have you home for the holidays." His father who looked just like Draco said.

His mother on the other hand grabbed Draco and pulled him into a hug.

"Hello to you too mother." Draco said.

"Hi Mr and Mrs Malfoy." Rose said.

"Please dear call me Narcissa." Mrs Malfoy said.

"Sorry Narcissa." Rose said.

"It's alright dear." Narcissa responded with.

"Mr Malfoy I hope I'm not intrude on your family holiday." Rose said.

"It's alright Miss Potter." Mr Malfoy said.

At that moment Narcissa took her elbow to her husband rib cage.

"Also it's Lucius Miss Potter no need to be formal." Lucius said.

"Well should we get going to the mannor?" Narcissa asked.

"Yes."Lucius said

The two older wizard and witch took the kids things and shrunk them down with their wands. Their pets were turned into toy like figures.

"Draco Apparate home with your father Rose and I will take the a broom." Narcissa told her son.

The two male Malfoys had left witch only meant the female Potter and Malfoy. Narcissa got on the broom unlike how Madam Hooch had thought Rose at the beginning of the school year instead she got on it like a lady would ride a horse and that was side saddle . Rose who did the same thing.

"Put your arms around me dear ." Narcissa said.

Rose put her arms around the women and they were off into the chrisp air. From London England they traveled to Wiltshire England. By the time they landed in the very nice looking backyard Lucius and Draco was waiting. Draco who had found a spare cloke in his stuff that would fit Rose gave it to her as soon as she landed. Draco ran to the girl who was shaking she was so cold.

"Thanks Draco." Rose said her teeth was still chattering because she was so cold.

"Rose I'm sorry I didn't think you would be so cold." Narcissa said.

"It's not your fault I get hand me down clothes from my cousin and they are not the warmest." She said still shaking.

"I'm sorry dear." Narcissa said.

"You and Mr Potter live with your aunt and uncle who are discussing muggles correct?" Lucius asked the girl.

"Yes we do but the treat us like we an ant to do all the work and we are now called freaks." Rose said.

Lucius didn't say anything the man who already did not like muggles was very angry to here how they treated the young witch.

"Well it's getting late we should getting ready for dinner." Narcissa said changing the subject.

Everyone went inside.

"Narcissa as much as I love tiny things is there anyway you can grow my stuff to be large and my pets to be alive?" Rose asked.

"Yes sorry dear." Narcissa said.

With a wave of Narcissa wand all of Roses stuff was back to their original state.

"Thank you." Rose said.

Jupiter jumped into her owners arms. Who Rose gave Jupiter a pat on the head.

"Sweet kitten." Narcissa said.

"Jupiter really is very loving." Draco said coming over.

"So you have taken care of her kitten Draco?" Lucius asked.

"Yes father." Draco said.

"Draco show Rose to her room and put your stuff away in yours and we will eat." Narcissa said.

Draco lead Rose to her room which was beside his. The two put their stuff in their rooms and they walked back downstairs and Draco lead the girl to the dining room. They are dinner before Draco tried to reach Rose wizard Chest after the two went to bed.

Rose Potter and The Sorcerer Stone Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant