I told you it was not Snape

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Rose didn't move she watched her defence against the dark arts teacher unwrap his turban on the other side another face was. A face the one that come to be the man who killed Lily and James Potter. And that was Voldemort.

"Harry Potter we meet again." The other face said.

"Voldemort." Harrry said.

"Their a girl behind the piller." Voldemort said.

Rose came out from where she was.

"Now girl tell me what you see." Voldemort said.

"What?" She asked.

"In the mirror." He said.

Rose came to the mirror.

"Well I see me at least ten years older and I have a white wedding gown on across from me is the boy I'm in love with his blonde hair not looking how it does now his blue gray eyes full of happiness." Rose said.

"Ugh you girl are no help." Voldemort said.

"Yes well Harry you see what I have become see what I must do to survive live off another a mere parasite unicorn blood can sustain me but it cannot give a body of my own but there is something that can something that conveniently enough lies in your pocket!" Voldemort said.

Harry turned to run and Rose pulled out her wand.

"invocabitispapilio." Rose said.

A bunch of butterflies shot out of Roses wand and she ran too.

"Stop him leave the girl." Voldemort said.

Quit tell snapped his fingers and fire came came threw out the whole room Harry and Rose were both stuck.

"Don't be a doll why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live?" Voldemort said.

"Never." Harry said.

"Uhm Mr Voldemort Sir this is between you and my brother so may I leave?" Rose asked.

"No you stupid and foolish girl." Voldemort said.

He let out a laugh.

"Quirrell take care of the girl." Voldemort said.

"Stupidfy." Qurrell said.

Rose fell hard against a stair case and become in and out of conton

"Bravery your parents had it too tell me Harry would you like to see ...."

Rose blacked out and slipped into a dreamy state.

"Draco what happens next I mean.." Rose asked.
my aunt and uncles and then we can travel the world for a year." Rose said.

"Sounds wonderful but first." Draco said.

Rose didn't see. Draco bend down and when she looked he was holding a black box with a silver band with a small diamond.

"Rosie Potter I love you and have loved you for seven long years so do me the honor of being my wife." Draco said.

"Yes." Rose said shaking her head with tears coming from her eyes.

Rose went threw the platform as they did Rose saw Narcissa and Lucius. Who were both like always dressed in high class clothes.

"Rose Marrie Potter what are you doing with that boy!" Petunia shreaked.

"He is my Fiancé aunt Petunia so I am moving out." Rose said.

"Fine just don't let that boy around my dudliekins." Petunia said.

"Okay." Rose said.

Her and Draco apparated to privet drive Rose walked in the house with her school stuff floating behind her while Draco had shrunk his down. Rose grabbed the record player that her soon to be mother in law Narcissa bought her because ever since the second Malfoy Christmas ball she been trying to get Draco and Rose to dance.

She put a record on it and it started to play and she packed.

"Done." She said a half an hour later.

Rose regained conscience to watch Harry turn their Professor into a pile of ash. Harry stood back and Voldemort become a thing that would be a shadow like human more shadow then human and pushed Harry down. Harry fell down before Rose could get to him.

"I told you it wasn't Snape but you didn't listen to me." Rose said.

Harry slipped into unconscious state . Before Professor Dumbledore came to get the set of twins. He got them back to the hospital wing were he layed Harry on a bed while Rose fell unconscious again do to the gash she had on the back of her head. The two young gryffindor who were Ron and Hermionie stood beside the twins on their two beds. A young slytherin with blonde hair came rushing in.

"Her contacts madam Pompfery." He said.

"Thank you Mr Malfoy." She said.

Taking her wand and Madam Pompfery took her contact out and pointed her wand and the young girl was in a Snow White nightgown. Draco found a chair and sat beside Rose. He sat her glasses on the night stand before looking through his school bag for parchment quill and ink.

Dear Mum.
Rose has done something stupid with her brother I'm not even sure what. Now Rosie is laying here in the hospital wing. I don't know how to comfort her but I was wondering if you could please send me a small stuffed bear and some candy.
Love your son
Draco M.

Walking out of the hospital wing walking to the school owlery he saw Ares the white snowy owl that belong to Rose. Not finding his owl he gave it to Ares. She flew off and Draco walked away. He walked back to his spot beside Rose. Determine not to leave her side.

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