❁Chapter 7 ❁

238 4 90

rip out ur gutz
By evrythnghurtz
01:43 ━━━━●───── 02:09
ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
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I hope you enjoy this chapter core_eeh ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Neptune sniffled, his hands were shaking and he was slowly making his way to where Io was in, he was looking around but couldn't find him anywhere but then he felt a tiny tap on his shoulder. He jumped and turned to the person who tapped him, "Hello." It was his moon, Halimede, he was happy it was just his moon and not anyone else or even Io, "Why are you hereee..?' Halimede yawned, looking up at him with his innocent little eyes, Neptune tried to keep his cool then took a deep breath, "Just uh..looking for someone." He said, forcefully smiling at the end.

Halimede looked at him then giggled, "Okey!" He yelped then he skipped along, Neptune frowned and turned back to where he was ending to find Io, "This is going to be much harder than I thought." Neptune whispered to himself, just then Saturn came up to him and tapped on his shoulder. Neptune yelped and turned to him, Saturn was staring down at him then smiled, "What are you doing here? I've never seen you out of your orbit or the kupier belt!" Saturn giggled, sitting down where Neptune was standing, he growled and clenched his fists, "Just..looking for someone." He said, giving him and fake grin which looked more psychotic then he wanted.

Neptune hummed at Saturn's freaked out face and said, "Did I scare you? I'm sorry." Saturn shook his head then smiled again, "Uh who are you looki-" Before Saturn could finish Neptune had dashed off to his orbit. Neptune was breathing heavily and once he got to his orbit he started screaming on the top of his lungs, "FUCKING BITCH..!!" He screamed, clenching onto his hair and trying to pull it out his hair. He stopped screaming for a bit but was still gritting his teeth and pulling his hair, then he felt someone tap his shoulder, he slowly turned around and saw Ceres with a frown and his face looked slightly worried, "Ugh..I'm sorry..I just..want to get this over with but Io isn't anywhere to be seen and and..I keep getting interruptions!" He grunted.

Ceres hummed and hugged his arm, Neptune felt a slight tingle inside of a stomach and made a shaky sigh, "I'm going to kill that volcanic little shit one way or another." He grunted, Ceres nodded and let him go so he'd do his thing. Neptune went back the asteroid belt and although he's huge, he managed to get in without being spotted. He scanned the area but Io was no where to be seen, "Where is he??" He thought, Neptune went a little closer to where all the moons were gathered in and squint his eyes when he saw something yellow and he was coughing, Neptune smirked.

"Found you Io."

He snickered, he threw an asteroid at him which made him flinch and look around innocently, "What was that?" A random moon said, "N-N-N-N-No idea!! I should check i-" He was cut off by the moon covering his mouth, "Don't go out there, you know what happened with Callisto? She got hit by an asteroid and when she went to check, she disappeared." The moon whispered, Io gasped and looked around with paranoia, "You bitch." Neptune grunted and clenched his fists even tighter.

Neptune noticed Io was not that far from his grasp and he knew Io really liked him so if he just told him to follow him, he was pretty sure he would. He smirked at this idea and went a little closer to him, "Psst!"  He whispered, he saw Io looking around confused which irritated him a little, "Behind you!" Neptune whispered again, Io looked behind him and flinched when he saw Neptune giving him a death stare, "Nice to meet you again!" Neptune giggled quietly, Io was happy it was just Neptune and not a scary planet (oh honey..), "Hi Ne-" Io was cut off by a moon telling him to hurry up and follow them, Neptune's eye twitched but tried to keep a straight face and comforting smile, "Aw I have to go! I-I-If you want, w-we could talk l-l-l-later!" Io said warmly.

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