❁Chapter 9 ❁

304 3 69

By Rebzyyx
00:43 ━━━━●───── 01:33
ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
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Uranus was stroking Neptune's bandaged back as he listened to his little snores, he was thinking about what had happened to him, he knew Neptune wasn't really stable but Uranus was always there for him to make him more sane. He sighed and got up, he went over to Jupiter and tapped his shoulder, "Hey..something is really wrong with Neptune, he's been acting really weird for a couple months now and I'm getting really worried." He groaned, Jupiter raised an eyebrow and was a little concerned about what he just said, "Where is he?" He asked.

Uranus took Jupiter into his orbit, and once they got there, Neptune was nowhere to be seen, Uranus's eye twitched and he looked around. Ceres wasn't there either, "Where the fuck..I was gone for 2 minutes!!!" Uranus grunted, Jupiter hummed and turned to him, "You think he probably just went back to his orbit?" He asked, Uranus rubbed his head then sighed, "Probably.." He groaned. Jupiter and Uranus flew over to his orbit and saw that he wasn't there but Ceres was, Ceres was shaking and there was a huge asteroid on his stomach, they both saw a harsh scratch on his cheek which was also freshly bleeding.

Jupiter went over to the small dwarf planet and picked him up, "Do you know where Neptune is??" He asked, Ceres didn't say anything but he did made a grumbling noise. Uranus then felt a cold breathing near his neck, he yelped and turned around to see Neptune looked at him with a huge grin, his eyes being a much darker shade of red, "N-Neptune! W-Where did you go? Why did you leave?" He said, breathing heavily and grabbing his own stomach, "I'm sorry friend." He said coldly, still keeping a psychotic grin that sent shivers down Jupiter's spine.

Uranus grabbed Neptunes cheek and patted his head, "I'm going back to my orbit. Be safe Neptune. You're not acting like yourself mate.." He sighed, turning away from him and then turning to Jupiter, "See what I mean..that smile isn't a normal smile." He whispered into his ear, Jupiter called and nodded, "You're right. I'll keep an eye on him." He whispered back. Uranus nodded and floated away to orbit, Jupiter looked over at Neptune and once he noticed Jupiter was looking at him he sharpened his teeth as he grinned and giggled. Jupiter jumped and flew away, Neptune laughed as his pupils were shrinking, "Oh Ceres!! Did you see there FACES HAH!!" Neptune laughed.

Ceres made a nervous giggle and rubbed his shoulder, Neptune stopped laughed and looked at Ceres, then he looked at his arm, "If I hurt you. You wouldn't mind right?" He hummed, Ceres jumped and turned away from him. Neptune walked over to him and grabbed him, he placed him on his lap and rolled up his sleeves, he saw little scars on his wrists since sometimes Ceres would dig his own nails into his own skin. He rubbed the scars and looked at Ceres shaken up face, "Don't feel ashamed about your scars. I also have some, all of my body in fact!!" He giggled, Ceres felt a little more comfortable with this fact and smiled a bit, "I got you to smile again! Perfect." He whispered in a raspy voice then started laughing.

Ceres's heart was beating but he brushed it off and looked down, Neptune gently placed him down and looked around. He was hungry. He groaned and looked into the asteroid belt, he smirked and flew over there, as he was flying he bumped onto someone.


He grinned, grabbed him and tilting his head as he saw him, "Hello. Luna." He said, giggling at the end, Luna felt uncomfortable and turned away from him, "H-Hi Neptune..uh can you let me go? I ha-" Neptune cut him off by placing his hand on his mouth, "Oh shh shh..Earth will be okay.." Neptune whispered, stroking his cheeks and biting his lip (he's not a perv I swear ☹️), Luna gulped and pushed him away, "Uh..I don't like being touched." He whispered, Neptune frowned and grabbed his arms, "Why are you here..?" Neptune grunted, Luna made a shaky breath before sighing, "Callisto and Io went missing so they weren't there. Titan left. Ganymede and Europa were dead. And I was free to leave but when I tried to, some moons grabbed my arms so I came here to get away from them." He said, covering his face.

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