❁Chapter 5 ❁

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Teacher's Pet
By Melanie Martinez
01:43 ━━━━●───── 03:58
ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
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"Neptune..?" Neptune jumped harshly when he heard said name from a little voice in the distance, it sounded really raspy but a little deepish. He looked around and there he saw a small little dwarf planet looking at him with an asteroid in his tiny hand, he was super small and was staring at him with widened eyes. He turned over to Sage who had a smirk on his face, he grunted and flew over to the dwarf planet, he had never seen this dwarf planet in the kuiper belt so he was really confused on who it was, "Who are you..?" He asked softly, the dwarf planet looked at the asteroid then back at Neptune. He didn't say a word but just kept staring at him which started to annoy Neptune, "Did you see me torture her?" He asked, pointing to Dione's numbed body. The dwarf planet didn't say anything but just flew over to the body and stared at her face, he looked at the asteroid then back at the body, he smashed the asteroid at her face and grinned. Sage and Neptune's eyes widened as they saw him smacking Dione's face with the asteroid, "Holy shit.." Sage laughed.

Neptune was just as confused as Sage and tilted his head, "Wait..Ceres..?" He whispered, Ceres stopped smacking the asteroid at her face and looked at him slowly with a loud chuckle. Neptune smiled with his teeth and went over to Ceres with Sage following behind him, "You aren't telling." He said cheerfully, Ceres shook his head then put his hand on Neptune's cheek, Neptune gulped and sat down. Dione woke up coughing and looked around in horror, her face whiten when she saw Ceres, "Please..help me!" She cried, Ceres stared at her before dropping his grin and looking at her in anger, he grabbed the nearby asteriod and threw it at her.

She fell back and coughed up blood, Neptune pulled Ceres away and grabbed a pair of scissors from his pocket, and grabbed her leg and started cutting her hair. Her hair was really long and thick so it was a bit tricky but he managed, once he finished she was left with really short and messed up hair that touched her ears, Sage laughed and patted her hair, "You're done with her already?" He teased, Neptune flipped him off and kicked Dione in the face, "Yeah..I'm getting bored." He whined, Sage groaned and looked at Dione who was shaking violently.

Neptune grabbed her hair and looked at her darkly, "I'm letting you go. If you tell anyone, I'm going to find you and make sure you induce the most horrific and painful torture and death that you will ever experience. You don't want to be like Europa or Ganymede now do you..?" He whispered, clenching her hair tighter, she cried then started nodding, "I won't.." She cried, Neptune scoffed and pushed her away, he threw her into Juipter's orbit and left her there alone without any clothes on. Neptune grinned and looked over at Sage who was smirking, he then looked at Ceres who was biting his fingers, he sat down as sighed happily.


Dione was limping over to the asteroid belt and felt her body really numbed, she was breathing heavily and was really cold, "Ah.." She whimpered, she shivered as she felt the freezing winds of space (Ik theres no wind in space so just use your imagination), she was slightly sobbing and just wanted to go back to her planet. She got to the asteroid belt and sat down on an asteroid, still breathing heavily, Rhea noticed Dione's condition and quickly went over to her, "DIONE! W-What..happened!?" She cried, tears falling down as she gently stroked her scars and bruises. Dione coughed and was gritting her teeth, "I-I'm...cold.." She whimpered, Rhea jumped and took off her jacket then gave it to her.

She brought her to as close as she could to the front of the asteroid belt without getting spoted by a planet, Dione jumped and pushed Rhea away while sobbing a little, "I want Saturn.." She cried, Rhea's eyes widened and she looked down at her, "W-What..? Aren't we..supposed to be against him..?" She whispered, Dione sniffled then looked up at Rhea in anger, "I don't care! He may not give two shits about me but at least he knows how to keep us safe.." She snapped, pushing Rhea to the side and leaving to go find Saturn, Rhea sighed sadly then went back to the others. Lapetus noticed she looked sad and went over to her, "You okay?" He asked worriedly, Rhea sniffled and nodded, "I-I'm good..but uh..Dione isn't going to join the moon revolution anymore." She whispered, Lapetus gasped and Titan had heard what she said.

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