"Mr. Blue."

"Perseus Jackson."

"Nice to meet you."

"Same for you."

"Can I choose my seat or is there a assigned seating?"

"Choose." I nodded and turned back to face the class.

I observed the open spots. There was one between a Jackson and another jock, yeah no. Then there was one between a Marcus and this random kid. I'll take my chances. I walked over and sat in between. Completely ignoring Marcus I turned toward the kid, not that tall, but tall. He seemed lanky and athletic, just not in the sporty way. Flexible and smart by the looks of it.

"Hi, I'm Percy." I said trying not to sound emotionless as usual and held out a hand.

"Peter Parker." He said shaking my out held hand.

"Are you new? I've never seen you before."

"Came this year, you missed the first few days so the introductions of new students and teachers." I nodded, makes sense.

"What happened to the old teachers?"

"Retired, married and moved, changed subjects, ... died." He whispered the last one. I winced and pain shot through my head again. Memory pains.

Peter and I continued chatting as Zeus or "Mr. Blue" took attendance and readied his class room for today. We had the same exact schedule, but I had marine science when he had some study about insects and all that. I ignored Marcus as he tried to annoy me giving me wet willy's, flicking my ear, blowing air in it, trying to give me a one handed wedgie. The bell rung signaling the end of home room.

I followed Peter to first class. If he noticed my limp he didn't mention it. We entered AP calculus. Her back was turned as she was writing something in the board. She looked young, 21-23, auburn hair, silver clothing. She turned and blue electric eyes mixed with silver which took up the most of her eyes. Artemis, I get why she took this class, math is required to shoot a bow, all those equations.

"This is Ms. Diana." Peter explained as we took our seats, I sat next to him. "She favors single girls, not the ones that throw themselves at boys. She's fine with the ones in relationships, she absolutely despises boys, even more so arrogant ones that strut around playing each girl that date. She bases all her math on bow and arrows."

Yup, that sounded like Artemis. She smiled at me though when she saw me and beckoned me to her desk. Looks of outrage on the boys and try hard girls faces appeared when Artemis, or Ms. Diana smiled and beckoned me. I limped up to her desk, she almost growled out loud with narrowed cold eyes when she saw my limp.

"Ms. Diana, you summoned me?"

"Perseus, I-I" I cut her off.

"Limp from him, and I'm caught up on school work because of my fiancé. I know everything that you will teach because of her." She nodded with a tight smile, most teachers would be offended with a student saying they knew everything that they would teach, but not Artemis. She knew the knowledge Annabeth held.

"Return to your seat then Mr. Jackson, and your fiancé has my thanks." I nodded and silently limped back to my seat with everyone's wide eyes on me.

She started class with attendance. Then we started on class work. She explained equations, gave us work to do and homework for later. Peter was right, she did reference all her equations to shooting a bow and arrow. She asked me the questions people didn't know the answer to. I answered correctly and Peter looked impressed. When she wasn't looking I would get nailed in the back of the head with spitballs from someone from the football team or one of the captains, they would always sit behind me so they went unnoticed.

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