Never Trust A Human

Start from the beginning

(A young Aspheera and Char watch the boys, hiding. Wu looks at them, confused.)

Past Mambo's advisor: They are the children of the First Spinjitzu Master and Ancient Dragons daughters, Sire. We must proceed cautiously.

Past Mambo V: Put them in a cell for a night. Let them think about their foolishness.

Past Mambo's advisor: Very wise!

(Wu, Celine and Garmadon are taken away by two Hypnobrai and put in a cell.)

Past Garmadon: I can't believe this! This is all your fault! I'm gonna tell Father everything.

Past Celine: My parents are going kill me!

Past Wu: You wanted to go too, remember? I asked you and you said—

Past Garmadon: I said no! N.O. I said we shouldn't, but you wouldn't—huh?

(Wu, Celine and Garmadon see Aspheera behind the cell door.)

Past Aspheera: Is it true? You are the children of the First Spinjitzu Master and Ancient Dragons daughter?

Past Wu: Who-who are you?

(Aspheera smiles.)

Past Celine: What do you want from us?

Past Aspheera: I am called Aspheera. I'm training to be a sorceress in service to the king. Tell me, do you truly know the secrets of Spinjitzu? (Wu, Celine and Garmadon hesitate to answer.) For a price, perhaps I could help you. I could open this door. I know several spells already. One of them will bend steel.

Past Wu: What price?

Past Garmadon: We don't have any money.

Past Celine: Only 50 cents at home.

Past Aspheera: I do not speak of coins. I ask only for friendship. Who says serpents, humans and half Dragons can't be friends? And between friends, there must be trust, sharing. You must share the secrets of Spinjitzu with me.

Past Garmadon: Deal! Let us out!

Past Aspheera: (To Wu & Celine) You too. I wish to hear you say the words. Promise me.

(Garmadon & Celine nods at Wu.)

Past Wu: Uh...I promise.

(Aspheera laughs and casts a spell, opening the door. Wu,  Celine and Garmadon leave the cell and run home, now night time.)

Wu (Narrating): So Aspheera freed us and we drop Celine at her house and we ran back home.

(Wu and Garmadon try sneaking past their father.)

Past First Spinjitzu Master: And where have you two been?

Past Garmadon: At the lake with Celine! Wu caught a fish, but it broke the line and the three of us spent the rest of the day trying to re-catch it.

(They both smile.)

Past First Spinjitzu Master: Is that so?

(Wu and Garmadon look at each other.)

Past Wu: W-What are you working on, Father?

(Wu walks toward the table where his father is working. Garmadon follows.)

Past First Spinjitzu Master: (Working on a scroll.) Oh, uh, something new.

Past Wu: (Reading one of the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu.) "The Art of Forbidden Spinjitzu."

Past Garmadon: Forbidden Spinjitzu?! Are those for us?

Past First Spinjitzu Master: No. They are far too powerful.

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