"If you really loved Jasmine then you would not have even said that!" Rachel hisses. "Not to mention you're so pussywhipped you were going to hack into two major cities destroying everything that has to do with technology so you fucking owe us for that Dipshit. The last fucking reason you should want to stay with us is because we know what you look like."

We all stare in silence at Rachel, wondering if this is the same sweet woman that is pregnant. She's never been out of her sweet nature like this before.

"So tell me Ghost, why shouldn't we turn you and your information in?" She asks them sucks on her teeth.

Ghost balls up his fists and behind breathing heavily.

"That's what I thought." She tells him.

"You know you have more to lose then me." Ghost shoots back.

She folds her hands in front of her. "Please explain." She challenges.

"Me I'm a bastard with no kids. If I die, then I won't leave behind children. You tell on me then they'll most definitely kill you and your baby."

Derrick pulls out his gun. I hit Ghost in his dick and he drops to the ground before Derrick's bullet can hit him.

"Derrick calm down!" I yell as Ghost groans in pain.

"No." Derrick demands flipping the table.

I quickly get up in front of Ghost. I know Derrick will shoot Ghost, but he wouldn't dare shoot me.... in hopes to kill me.

"Fucking hell Jasmine really?!" Derrick yells.

"Derrick think, I love him and will kick his ass for putting our family in this." I tell him taking a step forward.

Derrick shoots and I feel a sting on my shoulder.

"Fuck." Ghost's voice is hoarse.

I turn and see he's shot. Fucking hell! Derrick took the shot knowing I'm to short. My shoulder was neat his heart. It was a very nice plan, but still horrible that it happened to Ghost.

Ghost callapses on the floor.

"Are you fucking me?!" I yell, putting pressure on the wound.

"I shot him in the lung he should survive and I'm pretty sure you would have shot him yourself."

I don't deny it. I might have kicked his ass.

"Say the damn code he's dying!" I demand.

"Candy, always tastes better when it's sour." He mutters.

This family is fucking crazy. I grab Ghost's arm, trying not to look at the sound and trying not to hear him choking on his own blood.

I sling his arm over my shoulder and move towards the couch.

"Are none of you fuckers going to help me?!"

"I'm on bed rest. No vigorous moving." Rachel tells me.

"And I honestly don't care if he lives or dies." Derrick announces.

I mutter a string of cusses as my muscles fail. I throw his upper chest on the table then quickly grab his legs then push them on the table.

I strap him in just as he did me. Soon gas fills up the machine and Ghost passes out.

"Derrick, I have barely asked for anything but right now I'm asking for respect. I would never shoot Rachel because I respect her! If Ghost runs off at the mouth let me handle it!" I demand.

He takes a step forward. "Alright, fine."

I look back and see Ghost is done in the machine. They have patched his wound.

"I'm taking us to church tomorrow." Rachel announces.

"Yeah, it's time to go back we fucking need it." I mutter.

I grab some smelling salts and wake Ghost.

"You fucking shot me." He groans.

"Just be ready for church." Derrick mutters.

Ghost looks uncomfortable. He hasn't really chosen a religion. He was raised Christian. I hear him muttering prayers at night, but I don't think he's ever been baptized.

"Yes so be ready in the morning." Rachel advises.

"I can imagine how tired we all are because, I'm very tired."

"You fucking shot me." Ghost says again slightly louder.

Derrick rolls his eyes and takes Rachel's hand and they go upstairs.

"Malcolm, Ghost and I are gonna crash on the couch go to bed."

He hugs me loosely, not wanting to hurt me.

I set up the couch recliner. I cut off the lights and place myself on the opposite shoulder Ghost got shot in.

"I changed my mind. I want to marry you as soon as possible." I tell him.

"When we turn eighteen I'll propose."

"Promise?" I yarn.

"Promise." He answers.

We fall into a blissful sleep.

How did you guys enjoy that?! Can you imagine a family the two of them could build? I hope you enjoy and tell me what you think about Derrick and Rachel.

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