Back In Harlem

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We finally made back home to Harlem, glad to see much hasn't changed in the neighborhood "alright home sweet home" my father says as he pulls into the driveway of the house, "so this is where you lived?" Mary asked as I nod my head yes, Mary's going to be spending Christmas with us because of her family problems but you know I didn't mind, more time to spend together.

"Mary make yourself at home" my father says as we step inside the house "I know you all are famished so I'm going to start on dinner, oh and Mary I hope you don't mind sleeping in Y/N's bedroom, we only have two rooms" she says, we actually have three but that's my Dad's office, I mean it's not like he does anything in there except looking at dirty magazines "oh no not at all" she says "well alright, Y/N don't just stand there show her your room" my mom says "yes ma'am" I say as I pick up our things and head to my room.

"Alright, this is my room..where all the magic happens" I say as Mary looks at me with a "right" face "make yourself comfortable" I say as I extend my hand out to my bed "alright" she says as she begins to sit and I do the same "so" she says "so" I say as I rub my hands on my thighs "Y/N someone's on the telephone for you" my mom says "I'll be back" I say as she nods and I quickly make my exit, thank god "Hello?" I say "Y/N I'm coming over in 5 so get ready, we got some catching up to do" Robert says on the other end "well you could at least said hello but ok" I said as I hang up "mom I'm going out with Robert" I say as I step into the kitchen with her "but you haven't ate yet" she says "I know but I won't be out all night, just doing some catching up" I say "well ok" "but I need you and dad to do one thing for me, please don't embarrass me while I'm gone" I say as I hear a horn "I promise" she says "alright I'm serious" "oh go put your stuff on" she says as I head back to my room.

"Yeah we met not to long ago, actually it was around the time you left back in August" Robert says as I look at the woman in his wallet, he met this new girl Michelle after I left and I heard they are really hitting it off "well that's amazing Robert, I'm glad you found you a specially someone" I say as rotate my ring on the glass I was drinking from "what's wrong?" "Nothing it's just...I wish I would have done more for Mary and our relationship at the time, I mean I literally walked around the school dumbfounded and scared" I say "Y/N your being to hard on yourself, I mean you guys where still kids and didn't want to disappoint anyone...just stop thinking about the past so much before you miss out on the future, ok?" He says as he pats on my back and I nod in agreement "now let's get back to this discussion, college I right?" he says and I laugh.

Me and Robert stayed out for a couple of hours just talking (arguing) and drinking till I threw in the towel....I was tried and drunk out of my mind, "well look who it is?" My mom says as I stumble into the house "oh hey mom...Mary" I say as I close the door and begin to make my way over to them "I was just showing Mary here your little baby picture...this one right here was when she was just a month old" my mom says as she shows her me in a diaper, Mary looks at me chuckles "mom..know what I'm just gonna go to my room, good night" I say as I couldn't stand there any longer.

"You know you were a cute baby" Mary says as she comes into my room "I...know" I say as I lay back down on my bed "how many drinks did you have?" She says as she lets her hair down "1..2..3....maybe 4 or more" I say as I laugh at myself "is that right?" She says as she takes out her earrings "yes ma'am" I say as I begin to get up but Mary pushes me right back down " ouch, what did you do that for?" I say as she begins to take off my shoes "your already off you ass, just let me help you" she says as she finishes up on my shoes "now let's get these off" she says as she begins to take off my pants but I stop her "I can..take off my own pants" I say as I try to pull my pants down but fails miserably "no you can't, just let me do it" she says as I give up.

I feel her hands begin to undo my belt and I begin to get a little excited at the action, I'm trying my hardest not to make this sexual but my body can't help it, it doesn't help either that I'm under the influence "Y/N what is that?" Mary asks and I just put my hands on my face "sorry, you should have just let me take off my own pants" I say as I feel a little sobered up after this embarrassing moment "it's ok" she says as she begins taking my pants off as we make eye contact "you know I'm not mad" she says as she finishes taking my pants off and begins to fold them "really?, you don't have to say that to make me feel less embarrassed" I say as I finally sit my whole body up.

"no I'm serious...I'm not mad, wanna know why?" She says as she sits my pants down and begin to sit by me "sure?" "This shows me that I still have an affect on you, and every little thing I do will make you get" she says as she puts her hand dangerously close to my groin, she then comes close up to my ear and says "flustered" she says as she gets up like nothing happened "good chat, I'm gonna take a hot shower now" she says as she walks off to the bathroom "and I'm gonna take a cold one" I say as I get one of my pillows to cover myself up, who dose she thinks she is?

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