A Deal

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"Are you ok?" Gary asks "yes, why do you ask?" "I saw you talking to Mary and then I saw Jeff coming over there and talking to you but he left then Mary said something to you" "yes I'm fine but I have to go so see you tomorrow?" " You betcha" he says as I get on my bike and begin my paddling. "Oh Y/N what a pleasant surprise, back so soon?" Susan says as she lets me in "I actually came to-" "Study" Mary says as she comes down the stairs "I needed help in my Biology class so what better person to help me study then the girl with a 4.0 grade average" "yes I see, well you girls better get to studying" she says as we begin to head upstairs "l'll bring some snacks up later" "thank you mother" she says.

We get to her room and it's so pink, and it has so much things in here "nice room" "your here so we can talk about the situation not complaining my room" "right, what do I have to do so you won't say anything about lest Friday night? I well do anything just please don't say anything" "anything?" "Anything" "ok, I really do need help in Biology class so what I want you to do is do my homework" "but I'm not In Biology" "it doesn't matter you said anything so here you are" she says as she gives her homework and I look over it "what if we get caught? Your know your father is the principal" "the only way where going to get caught is if you open your big mouth, and if you open yours I will open mine and tell everyone about your little friend downstairs, ok?" I nod "what if you have to take a test? I can't do it for you" " well obviously genius, I'm going to have you come over to help me study for it" "why can't you do that with your homework?" "You know you talk a lot, to much for my liking" she says as she pushes me into her bed "hey why-" "see, you talk a lot" she says as she puts her hand on my inner thigh and I feel her get closer to my "friend" "I have to go" I say as I push her hand away and I began to leave "Y/N leaving so soon? I was just going to bring up some snacks" "yeah her grandmother wanted her to be home at a certain time and I guess she forgot, isn't that right Y/N?" She says, completely cutting me off "yes I forgot, forgetful me" I say I open the door "well we'll see you next time deer" she says and I wave as I get on my bike.

"Who the hell is banging at my door like that?" "It's just me Mr. Jefferson, I was trying to see was Robert home?" "Yeah he's upstairs" he says as he steps aside and I come in, "you ok?" He says as he puts his magazine down "no, no I'm not" I say as I lock his door "why are you locking my door? Look Y/N I like but not that much" "please don't flatter yourself" "then why are you locking my door?" "We made a deal" "who? You and Mary?" "Yes" "so what's the deal?" "She wants me to do her Biology homework and she said she will keep my secret safe, but she said if I chicken out she going to tell the whole school about my "friend"" "it' sounds like blackmail" "First of all it isn't blackmailing and second of all she touched me" "wait wait, what do you mean she touched you? Like down there?!" " Shush and yes down there" "why did she do that?" "I I don't know, I left to fast to find out but she has a test coming this week and I need to help her study for it" "you have to do her homework and help her on her test? I knew about your penis before her and she gets that type of treatment?" "Because we made a deal" I say as I lay on his bed "you hungry? Because I am starving" "I tell you big news like that and you think about food?" I say and he shrugs "I guess I'm a bit hungry" I say as I get up.

"And miss. Y/L/N why are you coming home so late? I made supper an hour ago" "sorry grandma I was at the Washington house hold helping there daughter Mary with some of her homework" "well doesn't the Washington house hold have a landline?" "Yes ma'am" "so what was stopping you from calling?" "Sorry, it just slipped my mind you know what the studying and things like that" "I know next time you better pick up that landline and call me, you hear?" "Yes ma'am" "now change out them outside clothes and eat your dinner" "I'm not hungry, I ate at the Washington's" I say "well I wish I would have known that, well just get ready for bed" "yes ma'am" I say as I head up to my bedroom.

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